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new time today

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New Member
May 20, 2002
today after my swim workout which was just an easy one working on my stroke i got 1:35, i felt very relaxed and kinda went into another world, is this supposed to happen


Now you're getting warm. But be careful!!!!!!!! You should never breathold of any kind in the water without a support person (one that knows what to do if you black out).

BTW, for divers in NC try Mark Lobaccetta. He lives in VA Beach but dives NC regularly. He is the VP of OMER USA. You can find his email through OMER's link on this website (they're a sponsor). OMER and Riffe have teamed up for a big bluewater tournament in August in Hatteras. Here's a link from Riffe's site with details of the comp (http://speargun.com/riffeomerbwopen).

Scott Turgeon
Hi Jesse ,
Every personal best is a good time .
Make sure you are comfortably acheiveing your times before setting a new goal . Statics are a very mental game , trying to overreach can do more harm than good .
Keep it up !
Btw . you do have someone with you at the pool right ?

yea, most definitely. I have a friend timing me while i just go to the bottom of the pool and hold myself down with the ladder.
Hi jesse,
when you black out, nobody knows because you look exactly like your still holding your breath and relaxing. So instead of holding the ladder, just float on the surface face down and have your body touching your hand at each 15 sec starting at 1 min. you just react by twitching your finger.

It's also very good to have to react to the twitching has it prevent your mind to wander away. The trick to breathhold and freediving is to relax your body while keeping your mind focus, like when you play playstation on the couch

When you freedive and hunt, if you can stay down at 6m (20') for 30 sec, you'll come back with stuff to eat and a lots of good story to tell.

Keep up the good work!!!
Hi Jesse
Just keep up the practice on technique and remaining calm, also you can start holding your breath while working out to get your body used to working w/out O2. If you're planning on doing any spearfishing you'll need this. It's a totally different world out on the ocean than in a calm warm pool. Take care and train safe.
PS: Let me know if you make it out to the coast, I'm in Wilm.
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