Hi people of the sea;
I stumbled upon your site and you all looked interesting,so I signed up to come aboard. arrrrrgg
looking forward to visting and contributing,presently certified as padi rescue diver and just finished dive master requierments with excetion of a few more dives, planning trip to palua and truk lagoon on a live aboard in june , I will share my adventures upon my return
anyone who has some insight to these locations I would be interested in hearing of your adventure
I stumbled upon your site and you all looked interesting,so I signed up to come aboard. arrrrrgg
looking forward to visting and contributing,presently certified as padi rescue diver and just finished dive master requierments with excetion of a few more dives, planning trip to palua and truk lagoon on a live aboard in june , I will share my adventures upon my return
anyone who has some insight to these locations I would be interested in hearing of your adventure