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New to Forum and Just Graduated Level II Fit Class

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New Member
May 3, 2008
Just wanted to say hi to everyone on the site and introduce myself. My name is Max and I'm 35 years old and like most of you I am obsessed with being on the water. I mostly tournament fish for sailfish off of south florida in the winter months and freedive and spearfish in the summer months.

I just finished the level II fit class Martin Stepanek and Paul Kotik teach and to anyone contemplating taking the class I highly recommend it! I have been able to hold my breath and freedive relatively deep for 15 years but I never really new how I did it and if I did it safely! Turns out most of the things I did were completely wrong and could have killed me all these years. I now know how to freedive safely and how to practice techniques that will give me more bottom time without killing me. They were really nice guys and the class was great I cant say enough. Take the class!!

FIT - freediving, monofin, breath hold, spearfishing, snorkeling
Whats' up Max, I was in your class... Hugh the 17 year old, ha. Welcome, there's a whole lot of information on this site. Also, you should consider checking out "spearboard.com". It's spearfishing oriented where as this site is freediving oriented. Both are very useful. On another note, I know you and your buddies were looking for some D3's... Looking for a D3?? - Spearboard Spearfishing Community
Dive safe, and good luck fishing.
Whats up Hugh? Thanks for the info I'll definitely check it out......I picked up a D3 for $230 at Underwater Unlimited!! Got lucky I think Ocean Safari had just sold out!
Welcome XXX- I took the FIT L2 Class in April- I agree- completely worth every Penny.

Lots of Great Information on this site and Good people too.
Hey Max and Hugh,DeeDee Here just got back to LA Nice Meeting you all wish you happy and safe dives and all the best Ciao for now DD
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