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New to seac-sub asso: tips please

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Thanks Dave ! I think I will get a mamba kit for a cyrano. How much is a mamba kit,its kind of hard to find the price for one.
Re: Mamba

Thanks Dave ! I think I will get a mamba kit for a cyrano. How much is a mamba kit,its kind of hard to find the price for one.

I would pick up a dentex reel from dave too. The reel is awesome. The plastic pieces float so it wont throw off the balance of the gun. Dave ships fast too.
Spearheads dont worry about how they work just order a 90 from Dave. The 90 will be best for you, easy to load & easy to maneuver. The gun comes with a spear of your choice (get a 6.5) but dave sells spare spears anyhow.
Reactions: Mongrel454
I know this is an old post and all but I was just wondering if you could tell me how the seac-sub asso 65 works.

I brought one for cheap today, and all it has is the gun and spear shaft.
How do you get air in it?
It's really hard to push the shaft in.
What do I do? Would be greatly appreciated for replys.
Gday mate welcome to DB

Firstly u need a loader like one that is posted 5-6 posts ago.
Once u have that it should be relatively easy to place the butt of the gun on your foot and pull down the spear into place.
When the guns are new they come with a hand pump which u screw into the butt end of the gun(there is usually a yellow cap which u need to unscrew first).

If you got your gun 2nd hand id recommend going to your local dive shop and ask them to release pressure and pump it up again so u know how much pressure is in it(for peace of mind). They use a compressor so it only takes 30seconds.

There are alot of pple here with greatly more knowledge than me, but i hope this helps


P.S. what part of OZ u from?...im from perth
Reactions: foxfish
I need to get a loader.
Is there a place I could get one?
Do you reckon just from the Local Dive shop?

Do you reckon if I took it in they would be able to help me get everything needed to get me on track?

And I'm from Newcastle, Nsw =)

Whats the spearing like over Perth?
Im new to the sport so i aint been too many places but unfortunately its pretty dismal so far, unless you are going for buff bream and drummers. But the diving side is awesome as i love exploring new places

Im pretty sure most dive shops will carry a loader as air guns are pretty common now, also they SHOULD be able to get you on track rofl

I own a sporasub stealth 70, and when pressurized to 27 bar it is not hard to load. I load it from the hip and really have to stretch in order to reach the loader, despite being 194 cm tall.

speaking of shock absorbers in the earlier posts. have any of you tried to make a new one at home or do you get it replaced by ˝professionals˝?

1. Try crossing your legs in a figure 4 pattern, then place the butt of gun on the back of your calf muscle behind your knee. I use this method with my 70 cm gun.

2. You are right, the bolt is a power selector. If it set to low it will be a little easier to load if the gun was last fired on the high setting; if the gun was fired on low it will be much easier to load the next time. Never store your gun on the low setting, it's bad on the seals; always discharge the gun in the water on the high setting at the end of the day.

3. I use 3 wraps (6 barrel lengths) of Dacron or Dyneema on my shorter guns; 850 cm of less and 2 wraps on my longer 980 and 1100 cm guns. It seems that the shorter guns are more efficient than the longer one and they have no problem handling that much line.

4. I like to use a bungee or a loop of surgical rubber tied to the loader. When I am not actively loading the gun I slide the loader up my arm past my elbow out of the way.
Hi cousy, welcome to db.
You seem knolagable on air guns, do you use the mamba system at all?
Sorry Foxfish, I have not used the Mamba system yet; I just recently found out about them on this site a few day ago. I am very interested in them and have sent out a several emails trying to get more information but I have not received any replies yet. If you know of a distributor in the US please let me know how I can get in touch with them.

My knowledge of air guns is limited to the older Mares and Scubapro guns and one Mares Cyrano 850. These are the only pneumatic that I have ever used or repaired.
Dont be sorry dude just get excited about owning one!
The question of "where can I but one in America" come up all the time?
I will see what I can find out?

i have an asso 65 to!!!
i hunt mullet with them
it-s a good weapon [althought asso 75 is better]
asso 75 iss better because is more powerfull and direction is better
but i manage to recharce asso 65 better than asso 75 on the hip region
i carry the loader on my wrist [as same as diving computer]
i have a 5 m long lines
the simple way to know how long can be is this: if 2 long, the arrow wil fall out without fel any tension...if to short, will pull you forward...better to fill a very little pull out in front when shoot...but verry gentle
never charge the gun at maximum power...never
in asso 65 i put 100 pomps
the models witd 2 steps of power are to be avoided
they say that at first power level it-s easy to recharge but from experience i know that this device will fall after a year of usage....

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what do those guns 65 an75 cost in the US my avrage fish will be 5-50 lb but in lakes and ponds
i know this thread may b old but i have some advice. firstly if you fire it out of water the piston may damage the muzzle because it need the water resistance to slow the piston a bit. secondly loading it is more technique than anything. you need to use your back and ab muscles as well as push with your hand and pulling with your feet.be careflu as once with me i didnt know my buddy was right behind me and the gun slipped when it was half loaded. the gun shot backwards and the handle hit him in the face leaving me with the spear wondering where my gun had gone. personaly i got annoyed at how loud my asso 90 was under water and also at its short range but i like that you can put a four barbed head on the shaft and chase sandwhiting. also if your changing the pressure (best thing to do is empty it then pump it up again) leave the gun standing up (muzzle down) overnight. that way you wont lose any oil. and ( this is important) get a peice of paper (look up how many pumps you need)and use a tally, do fifteen pumps, let it sit for 5 minutes, then do another. this way your not puting hot air in it. if your put hot air in it when the air cools down youll lose pressure.
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