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New Video - 3 Bass

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Really impresive stonning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep on going mate!
What pneumatic harpoon did you use??

MAN! rofl


i know, a bit late. but good hunting!!!!!

I have a pneumatic my self (tiguillio ras 70), and i am happy with it!EXEPT, the spear now is realy rosty and i need to change it now(i thing this i a costruction mistake!)

Good job!


Simple and good!we need new members!
Great Video, excellent shot too. Any idea where you purchase a video camera that attched to a gun as you have shown ??
Much appreciated.

Hey Rob,

the camera is a Sony T3 fotocamera with the Sony Marine Pack housing.

You can find it from most sony distributers.

the fotocamera has an awesome video function that you can make good quality home movies.
Cheers Shaca,
I use an Ixus 500 with video mode, but only get 30 seconds good quality and 3 mins fair quality. Very good camera, underwater housing excellent. Thanks for the info.

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