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New video camera

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Jon, am looking into same. I want to video my UW adventures. This seems a great way to go. With the underwater housing and DVR recorder you would be ready. Please let me know how it works out for you.

Product Listing - Waterproof_Boxes
I don't have anything quite so fancy. I just use my Casio Z1000 with a custom camera mount on my speargun.

Have you any videos I could see to check out the quality please?
I don't have any videos uploaded, but I do have a few stills taken from the video as I was shooting the gun.

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Reactions: Bill
great stills Jon, green waters! I guess you are in a lake in the sumer?! what depth are you at there aprox?
We have inland lakes and Great Lakes by me. The inland ones are green and the Great Lakes can be the most intense blue that you would swear your in the ocean. Depth where those shots were taken was about 15'-20'.

BTW: As someone pointed out, I am left handed and my camera mounts off the right side- which works out great for camera/gun controls.

Hey Jon, thanks for the input. Do you have any picture of that custom mount you fabricated? I would imagine an "L" shaped aluminum bar, one side fixed to stock, the other to camera base via tripod hole?
my buddy recently bousght a helmetcam that was waterproof to 12m. We thought we may as well give it a whirl. Was about £60 I think. Turned out to be SH** i guess you get what you pay for right???

I think im gunna go for the fuji f30fd with housing for my recording. I really wanna record my spearing next year.

Some of the head cams may be ok, but like I said, the one we tried was so bad... it struggled with low light, and so our cornish waters were not ideal. We dived with 9mvis and it could barely make out the end of the gun.

I own a HelmetCamera.com HC-1 package which I have used primarily for
documenting motorcycle experiences. It works very well. I recently bought the Underwater package w/ waterproof remote control. I will test it on the
Big Island of Hawaii where I will be freediving with PFI. I just need to make
a removable mount for the camera on a dive hood or a helmet so that it is stable during swimming.
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