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Newbie kit?

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Jan 22, 2002
Just getting into freediving and looking to by my self some fins, mask, snorkel and socks. I'm thinking of Picasso Team Black fins and mask, a piccasso nodo snorkel and picasso termic socks. Mainly because there black and this satisfies the gothy side of me i have to admit. But is this a good choice or do they have any horendous design faults that will send me spiralling towards the bottom?

I'm not in the market for a wetsuit yet mainly because I want to get confident in the pool first. But when I get one it to will probally be as close to plain black as i can get.

Hey VaKo,

You have chosen good products and probably received little response because this has been discussed at length in the past. Look in the DB archives for more info...

PS fit of the fins is most important. Recommend trying on a pair with whatever sock you will be using.
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