At first... Hello for everyone. :t I'm 15 years old guy from Lithuania.
As you can see from my posts count (this is the first one), i'm new here, so am i in freediving techniques. I mean, i cant even swim very well, but i've allways enjoyed pure diving (without ANY stuff, except my pants
So the last few days i spent thinking that it would be interesting to take longer, deeper dives, i dont know why, but the bottom just pulls me, i just want to discover new things that's underwater. So i've did lots of google searches, gathering lots of tips of freediving. And after all that... I got even more confused
. So i thought, that it would be much easier and better to just ask some1 about everything...
So here i go:
What i reach, isn't longest breath hold, deepest dive or anything, i just want to improve my performance diving, because i enjoy it. I'm really curious about all those mind techniques and such (i know i wont understand them... But time does miracles), so what i want, is like a little tutorial for beginning.
Here, where i live isnt any pool near that i could train. And as you know, summer ended, and weather doesnt let me to do any diving at lakes or rivers. So all i can do now is to wait for next summer... But why to "trash" the time? I could do some breath trainings, couldn't I?
So now i need some information how to do those trainings properly, i mean, not hardcore trainings, when facing those fadeouts or something... All i want is to get information how to do simple excercises or anything, that would make my lungs stronger/biger, would help me to understand those "mind" things. I also dont know how to breathe properly before diving! So ANY info would be gladly accepted!
BTW, my current performance is bad, i can only hold my breath for 55 seconds (static apnea), and only like for 15 (dynamic apnea). I'm also encountering this problem: I cant concentrate, at the last seconds of apneas, my lungs tries to breath inside, and i cant stop it, it's so stupid because it eats my oxygen......
So how to solve it?
So as i sead... ANY info is needed, the more, the better.
As you can see from my posts count (this is the first one), i'm new here, so am i in freediving techniques. I mean, i cant even swim very well, but i've allways enjoyed pure diving (without ANY stuff, except my pants
So the last few days i spent thinking that it would be interesting to take longer, deeper dives, i dont know why, but the bottom just pulls me, i just want to discover new things that's underwater. So i've did lots of google searches, gathering lots of tips of freediving. And after all that... I got even more confused
So here i go:
What i reach, isn't longest breath hold, deepest dive or anything, i just want to improve my performance diving, because i enjoy it. I'm really curious about all those mind techniques and such (i know i wont understand them... But time does miracles), so what i want, is like a little tutorial for beginning.
Here, where i live isnt any pool near that i could train. And as you know, summer ended, and weather doesnt let me to do any diving at lakes or rivers. So all i can do now is to wait for next summer... But why to "trash" the time? I could do some breath trainings, couldn't I?
So now i need some information how to do those trainings properly, i mean, not hardcore trainings, when facing those fadeouts or something... All i want is to get information how to do simple excercises or anything, that would make my lungs stronger/biger, would help me to understand those "mind" things. I also dont know how to breathe properly before diving! So ANY info would be gladly accepted!
BTW, my current performance is bad, i can only hold my breath for 55 seconds (static apnea), and only like for 15 (dynamic apnea). I'm also encountering this problem: I cant concentrate, at the last seconds of apneas, my lungs tries to breath inside, and i cant stop it, it's so stupid because it eats my oxygen......
So how to solve it?
So as i sead... ANY info is needed, the more, the better.