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Newbie question

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New Member
Aug 31, 2004
Hi all,

I am looking to do a cage dive for my honeymoon in March but I have never been diving before.
I am a good swimmer but I am a big lad.
6'1 tall and about 20 stone.

My colestoral is low, my blood pressure is normal but because i am a big guy I am worried this will stop me going down in the shark cage. I am not looking to swim that much as I am not the fittest person in the word.

Will they let me?

Popped into my local dive center (Robin Hood Watersports (www.roho.co.uk) and spoke to them. They said I will be fine for diving and that they do a Try Dive for £25. My fiancée and I are going to do this once she recovers from her operation, and we're dead excited!

Our honeymoon is booked for March 6th 2005 and we're off to Cyrus where we can do diving amongst the reefs :) :)

If the try dive is fine, we're going for the full PADI qualification :)

Yaay :D
Good to hear you got your advise, its never too late to start a new sport, you never know, you might even find that a whole new world is awaiting your first moves into the third dimension.
Have fun, dive safe, good luck.

Stick at it WildWayz, dont get dishartened with the UK diving, it can be pretty crap :( on the other hand it can occasionally be pretty damn good too :D and the good times will always make it worth it. Ive been diving now for very nearly 30 years and have loved it, I hope you both enjoy it as much as I have :D
I am not really stalking you. I am sorry you feel that way.
To be honest, I was a bit concerned that you might harm yourself. It is nice to know that you have found happiness and fun in your life.
You are very talented musically too, hope you dont stop that pursuit.

I always considered you a friend, guess I was wrong.

Good luck with the Scuba thing..sounds fun.

Have a Happy Life....you deserve to be Happy.

Originally posted by Alison
Stick at it WildWayz, dont get dishartened with the UK diving, it can be pretty crap :( on the other hand it can occasionally be pretty damn good too :D and the good times will always make it worth it. Ive been diving now for very nearly 30 years and have loved it, I hope you both enjoy it as much as I have :D

Thanks Alison :) My fiancée and I are deffinately taking it up - and we are looking forward to our honeymoon as we can do scuba diving off the coasts of Cyprus :)

Kate - just worries me that you are STILL doing searches for my username after all these years :/
Well, the last time we chatted you were in a "mood" that seemed very dark, but be reassured, if you dont want to be my friend...I will let go.

Consider this my last contact.
Congrats, glad you finally found happiness.

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