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Newbie spearfisher

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
May 4, 2005
Hello to everyone, help needed!

Am really interested in spearfishing, think that it could be the best way combining freediving and getting (hopefully) a nice fish for supper at the end of the day. Directly my nice brother picked up on my new found interest and bought me a polespear for christmas :rofl He lives in norway, so because of the swedish laws preventing me from fishing here I'll have to go visit him sneeky guy

But now off to the question at hand, what I was wondering was:
a) Are there any clubs in the Europa (preferbly close to sweden) that could rent me a speargun (seeing that the polespear isn't going to be enough after a while)? And maybe allow me to fish with them.
b) How do I get a fishing license if so?

Mate one word of advice for you if Swedish laws won't let you spearfish.

Most likely no club will rent you one. They may lend you a gun for a day when you are out diving with them most likely. My group has lent me allot of gear for extended period of time but we are rather tight group.
About getting a fishing license it matters what country you want to get one in.
Was just hoping for the renting, dammit :head would have been so nice instead of buying a gun when I'm not sure wich type I would prefer.

About getting a fishing license it matters what country you want to get one in.

Ok lets say I want to fish in:
Spain, or

How is it with licenses there?
Blinkypoo said:
Ok lets say I want to fish in:
Spain, or

How is it with licenses there?

Find a group of spearos in one of those countries and hook up with them. I am sure you can borrow a speargun for atleast your first time. Even better hook up with spearos in all of those countries.
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