Good Idea, Groats....
Mine is a LOONNNGGG story.
Grew up going to a local lake where my grandfather had a cabin and boat house. His nephew, my mom's cousin, was a UDT in Korea and taught me to snorkel and showed me scuba.
At 18 I spent a summer semester in Nice, France, got to watch some competitions and loved it. The following summer I was certified in scuba.
I continued to scuba thru college. Then , due to lack of buddies and being bitten by the bodybuilding bug, I dropped it. Later I got hooked on Ephedra to lose weight for competition, then would drink to come down.
In 88 I sobered up. I had to rebuild a shattered career and life first but, with the urging of an ex Navy SEAL I recertified. I watched "The Big Blue" when it first came out and it tickled an interest, But, also being intrigued by caves, I decided to go the technical scuba route first.
I still actively cave dive, but during a forced dryspell, I watched the remastered version of Big Blue and found this forum at the same time.
The rest is history. Gear is ordered, or being chosen. I have a couple of contacts for practice, including David Lee up in Tulsa, and will be doing my first pool static, dynamic, and monofin work out this weekend.
Now I just need more buddies.
Dive safe