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[News] Further records smashed by New Zealand freedivers

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
The 2008 Apneists Challenge held in Wellington this weekend has announced further smash hits from the Kiwi freedivers.

McPhee attempted the last remaining national women's record without her name beside it: dynamics. Wearing a monofin, she swam a distance of 169m on a single breath underwater, in a dive time of approximately 2'30”, breaking the previous record by 6m and assuming fourth equal position in the world rankings.....

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Just to clarify, Kathryns swim today was not DNF, but a DYN of 169m - Looks like the newsbot has apnea brain and got all confused.

Brilliant swim from Kathryn - and also Guy - who pulled out a staunch 8:05 static

Go Kiwi's!
Just to clarify, Kathryns swim today was not DNF, but a DYN of 169m - Looks like the newsbot has apnea brain and got all confused.

Brilliant swim from Kathryn - and also Guy - who pulled out a staunch 8:05 static

Go Kiwi's!

Newsbot not have apnea brain. Newsbot listen to too many roomors. newbot have now fixed problema.
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