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[News] Winners of the UK Freediving Championship trophies for 2009

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DeeperBlue.com Editorial
Apr 7, 2006
The BFA has announced the winners of the UK Freediving Championship trophies for 2009. Mark Harris, a long-standing member of the BFA, supporting the sport through his committee roles, competitive diving and running the Richmond club, claims the me...

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Well done Mark & Liv. both well deserved! You have both put in a great deal this year and long may it continue...
Reactions: AltSaint
if my maths is right, that means that Liv actually scored more points than Mark! wow... go girl!!
Beaten by a girl.... oh the shame...:girlie

Ouch. Being hit about the head with a nice shiny trophy hurts even more when it comes from the BFA committee people who gave it to me!

Well done to Liv, who would have beaten me by much more than 0.3 of a point if her static performance had been on form! And coping with being beaten by a girl I managed years ago, when Sara Campbell trounced my old FI record by about 20 metres.

Thanks Chris for your kind and unprovocative comments
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