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nor cal abs

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IB Boyd

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
Howdy all, am new to the forum, semi -new to the sport. Am getting going again after being inactive for quite a few years. Anyway, I used to do most of my diving up in the Jenner/Fort ross area, while I was in school. When I was diving there (91-93) the ab diving used to be fantastic. Having not looked at any ab regulations in several years, I was quite starteled to see thing like abalone report cards and annual limits:waterwork !! Me and ny buddies used to dive what we considerd "deep" ;) 25-40 ft, and never had problems getting limits of fairly fat abs...anyway, whats going on up there? Is the population still healthy past the thirty foot mark? Makes me feel old, ten years have past, im twenty pounds fatter, and it sounds like the ab polulation is getting smaller. I live in nice warm san diego and my focus is shifting to spearfishing. hope to be able to post a pic of a fat yellow tail somtime soon. See you guys in the kelp!!
Hey, Neighbor!
Welcome to DeeperBlue.
I've Private Mailed you some info about local Dive Clubs that might interest you.
From what I hear (and I'll know more in about a week) the hunting is still good in NorCal for abalone.
As you can see from DFG regs, the legal catch is 3/day with a max of 24/year per person. I believe the legal size is 9 inches.
The DFG website will tell you more about location limitations.
Dive safe, and again, welcome!
Originally posted by OceanSwimmer
I believe the legal size is 9 inches.

Everything you said is spot-on except that one. The legal size is 7 inches, ... some of us just use a higher standard when sifting through the snails. ;)

Originally posted by IB Boyd
Makes me feel old, ten years have past, im twenty pounds fatter, and it sounds like the ab polulation is getting smaller. I live in nice warm san diego

Sounds like a smooth tradeoff to me.
Bit to smooth, I miss the rural norcal coast, good ab diving and big surf, dont miss the cold water at all
Hello I am looking for dive partners here in San Diego. The waters starting to clear up, and I am itching to get my dive on.

Oh yeah, Hey IB Boyd, is the 'IB' mean imperial beach? If so does the water ever get clean down there?
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It does indeed mean imperial beach. Havent dove down here yet, the vis usually isnt all that great. It looks like it might be good enought to see a halibut though, and I have caugth both buts and sandbass using rod and real of my kayak down here. After a few dives in the red tide murk at La Jolla earlier this year, eight foot of vis doesnt sound terribly unreasonable.
I heard there is a few wrecks off the beach down there if you know where to go. I would like to dive them if the water gets clean. Do you know where they are?
there is supposed to be a very old submarine outside of the navy radio station. I talked to a guy in a dive shop and he said it got all busted up during the last El Nino....I would guess that it might provide some structure, if it isnt buried by the sand. There is kelp out there as well. The sub is supposed to be in 30-40 ft of water. there is a sight that used to show the location, but I just checked and it wasnt on the sight anymore. http://home.nethere.net/willisjs/wrecks.htm
Thanks IB Boyd. I talked to a local fisherman a while back, he had told me about that sub. I think it's only in 10 -15 feet 20 max-That can't be to far off the beach.
Check this out....

Hey, IB Boyd and holymackerel: If you're looking for some freediving/spearfishing company, the San Diego Freedivers might be the group for you! You'd be very welcome! PM me if you want details about the meetings, or you can find the website via Google.
Dive safe,
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