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North Wales,The Llyn and Anglesey 2015

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.
So, Abigail....washing more scallops in from the deep or washing anything left onto the beach! Typical, soon as the season starts, it stops again!!
Oh no !just as I was planing my scalloping weekend a little surfs never put me off!
Just came across this the bit at 4.20 is interesting "fishermen "going out at night in to bass nursery possibly supplying local restaurants. All interesting tho .
Reactions: foxfish
Ian change of subject by are you coming to Guernsey for the "fish in" next year?
Hope all is well mate.
Not yet ! lots of things going on may fly in for long weekend for social .Hows the little one ?swimming like a fish yet?
A little "cappachino "this morning on south of the Llyn but I nearly got in thought I saw some thing moving in the weed! Cold Wind and rain has just kicked in so it blindingly painfull on the fore head with out even getting in ! Them pesky scallops have eluded me again ????
Hey guys just letting you know I went for my first outing last week on abersoch beach. It wasn't the best conditions and I think vis was only just over a metre. As it's probably not a shock I didn't catch anything or actually see anything. Did see two Dolphins though near the old lifeboat station they came pretty close like 10 metres but as for the spear fishing no action. Will probably look to go again around spring time. Really enjoyed it though.
Reactions: foxfish
Not yet ! lots of things going on may fly in for long weekend for social .Hows the little one ?swimming like a fish yet?

Cool it would be good to see you again. She's doing great, not quite swimming yet but plenty of splashing mate.
What you pussies doing ? Come on some one must of got in!!!! Suppose your all virtual spearing then .At this rate we will have to rename the Thread "The Llyn ,North Wales and Anglesea ,virtual spearing ."
Called by to do a few things on the boat. North side very excitable, south flat in the lee but probably murky... hailing and snowing. nice.