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Not for sale, free instead

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Dec 9, 2005
I am posting it here in the "for sale" forum, although it is free in fact. Yes, I offer high quality free advertisement on APNEA.cz.

At the beginning, a few years ago, I already previewed a banner space in the header of the APNEA.cz page layout, and placed Google Ads there, hoping that the income could help covering me the relatively high cost of the server. Unfortunately it turned out to be a big flop. Not only it generated practically no income at all, but the ads were often irrelevant, sometimes perhaps even irritating, and it also started to crash some browsers.

So I took them out, hoping that I find some advertiser who would be directly interested in the freediving community and would help supporting the website. Unfortunately that did not happen either, but since APNEA.cz has quite high visitor numbers, and most of the visitors do not land there just by hazard, it would be a pity wasting this promotional opportunity completely.

Hence I decided opening the advertisement space completely for free for anyone who is interested. If you have a freediving related website (personal or corporate), if you manufacture a product, own a store, provide a service, teach courses, or just want to promote your next competition, or another event, or have anything else that would be of an interest for the freediving community, you can place a free banner ad very simply and easily on the following page: APNEA.cz - Advertisement Statistics and Management

And if you do not have any banner ready, you can create one on the page with a very simple WISIWIG tool in a few seconds. I started testing the system in the last few days, and some of you already noticed it and created a banner, so although there are still functions incomplete, or possible bugs, the system works fine in principle.

On the same page you can also access the properties of your previously submitted banner, and can adjust the scope and other parameters - for example you can target visitors from specific countries, have the banner displayed at certain schedule only, on specified pages, etc. You can add as many banners as you want - for example several language versions.

And you can also follow impression statistics of your banner (and some global ones too) there too. You can see some of the stats already on the main ad page, and there are then more of them available for the banner owners, after they log in.

The ads are completely free, and I do not even ask any reverse links, as it is usually required in such cases. Of course, I will accept also paid advertisements (if it ever happens), and the banners will be then displayed with priority, but there will be always sufficient bandwidth available for the free ads too. Currently I have the capacity of 100,000 to 400,000 banner impressions to human visitors every month (SE spiders and bot visits are excluded from these stats - the number would be more than double with them), so there is enough space for everybody.

As I wrote, the system is still in experimental stage, so if you find some problems, please report them. And do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Two things that are not completed yet - the first one you will certainly not miss too much - there is a button for adding additional credits (above the offered free one), but it is not functional yet. And the second missing function is the emailing of access passwords for the banner administration for advertiser who do not have any account at APNEA.cz. Those who already signed up previously will be able to access the preferences and statistics of their banner by logging into their APNEA.cz account. The others can submit the banner without problems, but for will either have to wait till I complete the function for the admin access, or they can create a free ANEA.cz account before submitting the banner.

EDIT: ah yes, another dysfunctionality I am ware of: the WISWIG tool for editing banners currently does not work on some versions of FireFox. It works though with Google Chrome, Opera, Microsoft Explorer, and all other browsers I tested. However, you can upload an image file of the banner with all of the browsers.
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Wow Trux very generous of you!!!!! anybody out there with a new small production product that can afford advertising this is a GREAT leg up to kick start your bussiness!

i may take advantage of this soon, just finishing off a range of Freediving based tshirts and beach towels. so when everything is sorted i'll contact you for sure!

Well, not too many people took advantage of this proposal. There are probably the following main reasons.
  1. You do not trust any service that comes free of charge. It is simply too suspicious
  2. You do not believe the advertisement can help with promotion of your website, product, course, competition, club, or service
  3. You do not have time for creating the banner
  4. You do not have anything related to freediving that you want to promote
Ad 1) The advertisements is free, because there was a place for the banners previewed in the layout since the beginning, and because using Google Ads or other advertising services turned out not to bring any income, but be rather irritating for visitors, and slowing and crashing down the pages. I believe that using advertisement directly relevant to freediving enriches the website, hence everyone profits from it - the visitors, APNEA.cz, and of course the ad owners too.

Then, I want to create a competitive environment in the advertising - when I have a sufficient number of advertisers, some of them may become interested to pay more than they get for free, to get higher visibility. So from this point of view, I hope to profit from it in certain way anyway, but the service will remain free for everyone as it is now, and it will still offer sufficient visibility even for those not paying anything. So I believe it is fair enough.

Ad 2) I recommend looking at the statistics on the ads page. The numbers are rather high for such a narrowly specialized website, and I dare to claim it is one of the most visited freediving websites. And the numbers exclude visits of search engine spiders, and those of many other automated bots and hacker tools who permanently crowl the web. In fact they generate 70%-90% of traffic on any website, but most website owners will proudly claim the bot visits for real visitors. Not so at APNEA.cz - I use a complex algorithm for detecting automated bots, and very most of them are excluded from these statistics.

Also have a look at the list of the current advertisers. They are not many yet, but each of them currently gets a share of over 12,000 banner impressions (to human visitors) per month. And in the few days, the service exists, some of them already received over 20 visitors from APNEA.cz. Yes, there is a program monitoring and logging the clicks-through, so each owner can see the details in the statistics of their banner.

Ad 3) If you have no time, just have a look at the banners of Rocketfin or the Danish one of Morten (undervandsitetet.dk). They are simple text banners that were done directly on the Ads Banner page within a few seconds. No graphic skills or program needed. Well, of course, you can make a much more attractive banner in Photoshop, but not everyone has the skills or time to do it, and not everyone is willing to pay for it. With the text tool, you can still have a relatively appealing advertisement of your website or product instantly.

Ad 4) Well, I bet that most of you do have something. When it is not any commercial product or service, many of you may want to promote your club, the next competition you organize, your personal blog, or a photo gallery. Apnea.cz free ads program is open to all.
Thanks Trux i will deffinetly promote my spearfishing charter website in your site.

Yes, go ahead, you are welcome. Despite couple of more advertisers, and thanks to the growing traffic, there is still over 10,000 banner monthly impressions available for each of the advertisers using the free offer.
Hi Ivo I will give you a shout about this at the end of May if its still available. Very generous of you. As soon ( if ever) I make some money from freediving i would be happy to pay you for the space. Thanks again.
No problem, Fergus, it will remain available for everyone to use. Well, unless I finally go bancrupt, and can no more afford to keep up the server, and have to shut down the website.
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