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nourishment throughout your dive day

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Just visiting...
Aug 26, 2001
hey everyone,

i'm even more curious now, after having read ken's SWB story, about what everyone is doing, food/drink-wise, during a day of diving?

aquiles and i usually have a decent breakfast(eggs,bread,etc) and we normally pack a few sandwiches along with several bottles of gatorade and water. lately, we've been bringing oranges and citrus(for some reason the citrus tastes great out there.)

anyways, what's in everyone's picnic basket?


ps. and also, how often do you take breaks?
Great Thread Idea!

I tend to get queasy, so I concentrate on getting plenty of liquids in the am. I use an old sailor trick and eat a can of peaches in heavy syrup for breakfast. They taste the same in both directions :yack

1 gallon of h2o a day seems to keep me at peak performance and my suit warm (remember, there are two kinds of divers: those who pee in their suit and those who lie )

I break when my body lets me know (this has varied depending on how immersed (forgive the pun) I am in the mamillian dive reflex. meat, fruit and cheese are typical lunching for me. AND we always bring way more than we can possible eat. We no longer let my brother's wife pack lunch for us due to an unpleasant post dive experience in the Oregon Cascade mountains: Angus started looking similar to a cartoon roasted chicken to me- even in the picasso with that gut of his-and I had not eaten at McDonald's in 15years.

This is probably missing the mark...

FL is coming!

Big breakfast is essential .... I simply can't face a full day's diving without food. I like to have toast, couple o' fruit (banana, orange, apple) and the big no-no coffee. Being in SA (although we're waking up slowly) we have trouble finding decent food at good prices. Decaf coffe is almost twice as expensive as normal ... sigh.

I take hot coffee in a thermos with for after the dive, and I put the following in a dry-bag attached to a float: Antacid, about 2 litres of water, orange (peeled), dog-biscuits (NOT made from OR for dogs) and some more antacid. If there's one thing that I can't stand is trying to dive or even swim with heartburn.

Lunch (after 3-5 hours in water normally) consists of sausage and bread, after that an hour chill on the beach / boat / wherever and then back again.

There's this great spot where we climb down some cliffs to get to some seriously deep water, and then drift / swim down the backline for about 3 kilo's or so - takes about 4 hours. It's gor deep water, kelp etc etc etc so it's pretty cool. We then stop at a snall beach that you can drive to by car and have the land-based mermaids (ie girlfriends) cook lunch.

Dinner's always fish.
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