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Nowt to do with fish - Roast Beef a la island_sands

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Erection Supervisor ;)
Jan 19, 2001
Did a roast fillet the other night, and was inspired by foxfish's mushroom thread.

I sliced open the fillet to make it into a long slice, spread pate de foie over it, and then filled it with a lightly fried mixture of garlic, onions, and dried oyster mushrooms, porcini and (edit: ) shitake mushrooms presoaked in a bordeaux wine that i bought that was only good for cooking. rofl

I rolled it all up again, tied it all together, stuck that electronic meat thermometer in it and put it in a roasting pan, with hand crushed garlic cloves, bit of chopped onion, black pepper and some olive oil.

i cooked it medium rare, was really nice, served up with roasted red pepper, butternut, sweet potato and a couple of roast tatties.. and made up some gravy with the juices from the roast and vegetables, and some leftover mushrooms, pureed with the "minipimer" (what the hell do you call those things in English?)

anyway, wasn't bad.

Edit: was oyster mushrooms :) not oysters, my bad writing.
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Interesting, Sara. And it sounds quite...tuscan! A roasted roll filled with mushroom and liver (fegatini instead of fois gras) reminds to me many Christmas and Easter "breakfasts" in my uncle's canteen in inland Tuscany.
But whats' the dried oyster for? Maybe a taste enhancer?
it was oyster mushrooms, not dried oysters, my mistake and bad writing!
Oysters can only be eaten in one way, in my opinion. Podge is going to show me at the Savoy hotel ;)
Be still my heart! A woman who looks like that and can cook, too? :inlove Sadly, I was born 20 years too soon. :waterworks
island_sands said:
Oysters can only be eaten in one way, in my opinion. Podge is going to show me at the Savoy hotel ;)

Not to sure how the fine chaps at the Savoy would take a topless couple scoffing oysters and swapping under water stories.rofl
But I’m game if you are.
What a fine sight that would make! Perhaps I should be on hand in case sands spills any down her front and they need 'cleaning' up??
Podge's tongue would probably be there all ready.

OK STOP NOW!!!! rofl rofl rofl

PG 13
I find this thread strangely arousing :inlove .

I may be old but I'm not that old. I'll only be that old when I'm dead.

Old man "Lover Boy" Dave

Are you quite sure that you're "over there"???? You put more into that than my local Trader Joe's carries in their entire store!
That's because TJ's isn't really a place to do your serious shopping in. It's more for the canapes, aperitifs, and good wine at low prices by the case. You need to head for Whole Foods, Wild Oats or Bristol Farms.
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