You can already dowlnoad the new number of the gratuitous magazine of diving SENSATIONS (in spanish).
The number 7 corresponding to the month of October 2007 already this clever one.
In this occasion 123 paginate of reports, articles, medicine of the diving, photographs submarine and a lot but.
In this occasion the contents that you will be able to enjoy among other are:
Islands Medas - Paradise of the diving
Dorian Andrea's tragedy
Maldives. A paradise also in August
Principles of the apnea
Clinic prescribes - The asthma and the diving 2º part
History of the diving - 1º part
and the habitual sections.
Because all this and much more they are the contents that you will be able to enjoy in this new number of SENSATIONS.
(To pulse in these links to discharge the version "light" or (special smaller quality of graphics for slow connections) the normal one for Adsl / cable)
and here the cover of the next number 8
The number 7 corresponding to the month of October 2007 already this clever one.
In this occasion 123 paginate of reports, articles, medicine of the diving, photographs submarine and a lot but.
In this occasion the contents that you will be able to enjoy among other are:
Islands Medas - Paradise of the diving
Dorian Andrea's tragedy
Maldives. A paradise also in August
Principles of the apnea
Clinic prescribes - The asthma and the diving 2º part
History of the diving - 1º part
and the habitual sections.
Because all this and much more they are the contents that you will be able to enjoy in this new number of SENSATIONS.
(To pulse in these links to discharge the version "light" or (special smaller quality of graphics for slow connections) the normal one for Adsl / cable)
and here the cover of the next number 8