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Oceanic aeris f10 dive computer.

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Aug 25, 2015
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my dive computer oceanic f10, the glass is broken.
Dos anyone knows if it is possible to replace it or eventually the hole body?
Best regards to everyone.
Paulo Silva.
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my dive computer oceanic f10, the glass is broken.
Dos anyone knows if it is possible to replace it or eventually the hole body?
Best regards to everyone.
Paulo Silva.
I had a cracked screen once on my F10. I contacted Oceanic directly and was sold a refurbished watch. I can't recall the amount ($150 maybe?), but it was better than buying a new one. It looked brand new and had the updated software on it.
Hello everyone, I have a problem with my dive computer oceanic f10, the glass is broken.
Dos anyone knows if it is possible to replace it or eventually the hole body?
Best regards to everyone.
Paulo Silva.
I have an Aeris Manta Computer that is not working. The body is intact and buttons are working. I think it is the same body as yours. I can give it to you. I might be on Flores this summer. What Island are you on?
I had a cracked screen once on my F10. I contacted Oceanic directly and was sold a refurbished watch. I can't recall the amount ($150 maybe?), but it was better than buying a new one. It looked brand new and had the updated software on it.
I had a cracked screen once on my F10. I contacted Oceanic directly and was sold a refurbished watch. I can't recall the amount ($150 maybe?), but it was better than buying a new one. It looked brand new and had the updated software on it.
Hi musubi, that would work for me, I have contacted the dealer were i bought the computer to know if there were a solution for mine, and they sad they will contac the maker and give me an answer after Easter vacation.
Thanks for the reply, now I know that is other possibility rather than a new.
Thank you very much.
I have an Aeris Manta Computer that is not working. The body is intact and buttons are working. I think it is the same body as yours. I can give it to you. I might be on Flores this summer. What Island are you on?
Hi Vrokhlenko, thanks for the reply i am from Terceira, I'm waiting for the reply of the dealer, but that is o good solution.
Can I tell you something as soon as I get the response from the dealer?
Thank you very much for the help.
Hi Vrokhlenko, thanks for the reply i am from Terceira, I'm waiting for the reply of the dealer, but that is o good solution.
Can I tell you something as soon as I get the response from the dealer?
Thank you very much for the help.
OK, I have a yellow Aeris Manta/Oceanic GEO computer. F10 has the same exact body but no scuba support, just freediving. Same four buttons. I have used it for many years and finally it stopped working but the screen is perfect. If you can transplant the 'guts' of your computer in another body it would work. I am not sure if you can. Anyway if you can not work out another solution I will send you my Aeris. It will cost you about 14-20 dollars in shipping. I tried sending things to Azores recently and recently it became rather expensive - like they wanted $14 for two slide rings that I made that weighed like 15 grams!!!. I might be going to Azores this summer (I go every year but most recently to Flores) but you do not want to wait that long I would assume.
I think that the glass is glued into the body - there is no easy way to replace just the glass.
Hi, I have just received the answer from the dealer and they don't have solution for me.
How can I do to pay you the taxes so you could send it to me?
If you're coming to Azores and pass by Terceira, i can give you my personal number, it would be a pleasure meeting you personally.
Hi, I have just received the answer from the dealer and they don't have solution for me.
How can I do to pay you the taxes so you could send it to me?
If you're coming to Azores and pass by Terceira, i can give you my personal number, it would be a pleasure meeting you personally.
Look, it is not a tax, it is just postage in the post office. Secondly, I am not sure you would be able to put the content of your watch into another body. I have to check if it can be done. As far as paying - not a big problem. Do you know any spearfishers on San Miguel? I do not know anybody on Terceira in person; I exchanged emails with Gui Bruges but never met him.
Hi, I know that it's not sure it will work, but I am willing to try, I think it's my only chance.
I don't know any spearo in São Miguel but I do have a friend that works there if that's any help.
The price of the postage is not a problem.
Hi, I know that it's not sure it will work, but I am willing to try, I think it's my only chance.
I don't know any spearo in São Miguel but I do have a friend that works there if that's any help.
The price of the postage is not a problem.
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