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Oceanic Ultra Dry Snorkel?

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Always Hungry
May 16, 2006
Anybody know anything about the Oceanic Ultra Dry Snorkel?
Are they any good or just a gimmick?
Do you think they will stop the rush of air bubbles as you duck dive under and so reduce the likely hood of spooked fish?
Any info greatfully received

I just bought the Riffe stable from Apnea in the hope it will stay drier than my zooms.Very similar gadgets so I'll be watching with interest but I think the only way to reduce the bubbles is to spit the mouthpiece out
Reactions: spaghetti
I just bought the Riffe stable from Apnea in the hope it will stay drier than my zooms.Very similar gadgets so I'll be watching with interest but I think the only way to reduce the bubbles is to spit the mouthpiece out

I know that the correct method is to spit out the month piece and on longer aspetto type dives to do, but when just up and downing I must admit that I don’t and you can bet you bottom dollar that’s when Mr Bass will poke his head around a rock.
Thanks Pastor and let us know how you get on with your new purchase.
You know I wonder how important silence is sometimes. I've always strove to be as quiet as I can but this last year I made a couple of my better catches on seriously noisy dives. One in particular when I hit the bottom off balance and rolled over. After pulling myself up and kicking about all sorts I clanked mu gun loudly on a rock and grabbed a piece of kelp to steady myself only to rip it off and loose my balance again rofl Normally I would have given up and surface but I still felt good so I decided to give it 30 seconds. Low and behold in comes a decent Bass which duly head butted my spear The amount of noise I made on that dive was terrible, if anyone else had done that diving with me I would have slagged them for weeks rofl
i think some fish are attracted to noise, such as dentex, not sure about bass though, not much experience with them...
back to the snorkel, the ultra dry works, its really DRY, i found it a bit bulky though, too much for my liking, now i go with the impulse 3 semi dry snorkel, its less bulky, but not as compact as the omers etc...
to me since i dont hunt in caves often, im not too keen on flexible type tubes that most euro manufacturers do..im more keen on not getting water in in rough chop at those last final moments of breathe up before you dive.. the impulse seems to do just that..
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