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October 2013 FoM

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


Job 41:7 can you?
Sep 8, 2007
THE 'Old Man Dave' Fish of the Month and
'Crustacean Cup' COMPETITIONS 2013

In this thread, please only post your entries for the FOM competition.

Comments can be posted here - FOM/SH discussion thread for 2013

The poll will be added on the 1st of each following month and will run for five days.​

Please read the rules below before posting an entry.

FOM Rules:
1. The entrant must have posted five times at, or before, the last day of the previous month to the current competition.
2. Entries to be accompanied by a photo containing a newspaper or magazine dated on the day of the catch; the date is to be clearly legible.
3. All legal species are included, local minimum size limits should be observed.
4. Entries must be posted by 09:00 on the first day of the following month of the competition.
5. Winners will be chosen by a poll. In the event of a draw the first entry posted will be declared the winner.
6. Voting will last for five days after the poll opens.
7. Multiple entries are allowed, but only one entry per person can be forwarded for the poll.
8. More than twenty entries will be shortlisted to twenty by the db staff.
9. Catches to be weighed in pounds and ounces.
10. The FOM & SH will run from March to October, inclusive.
11. All decisions made by db staff are final.

Please note that this is for fun only - there is no trophy/prize this month.
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Good one jonny! Just got to try and spear a specimen big enough to enter!!