Distributing help money is a difficult and complicated task that can go terrible wrong and money can lose a lot in efficiency (most bang for the bucks) if not done right. So give them to those with experience and commitment. Children are sold to prostitution, paedophiles, trafficked and kidnapped by so called “help workers” today.
I’ve listed those I support.
Have to push a bit extra for Plan since they are not as well known as the two others. They focus on children and are a fantastic help organisation, got a long time goal rebuilding a healthy society for people. They already got a long-time commitment, goals as well as years of experience and locally trained staff in Asia. A sad and tragic and disgusting thing that has followed this disaster is the above listed abuse of children. Plan is aware of and has experience to work with, prevent this awful and important problem in addition to other.
There’s always the Red Cross.
Medecins sans frontiers, I’ve clipped in some information of what they already has achieved from their website and a link to them.
Des volontaires MSF et du matériel sont arrivés au Sri Lanka et en Indonésie. Nos opérations de secours commencent à se déployer, tandis que l'évaluation des besoins continue, afin d'apporter une aide adaptée dans les zones où nous intervenons. Des équipes sont également présentes en Inde, en Thaïlande ainsi qu'en Birmanie.
· MSF and Greenpeace's 'Rainbow Warrior' to bring urgent medical aid to Sumatra, Indonesia
· Bedah MSF Mulai Bekerja di Sigli, Sebelah Timur Banda Aceh
· MSF bersama Kapal Greenpeace Membawa Bantuan Medis Darurat ke Sumatera
· MSF memberikan pertolongan pertama bagi penduduk di pesisir barat Banda Aceh
MSF information
MSF clarifies donations for Asian tsunami disaster relief
· Staff, supplies and food only - MSF helicopters loaded to capacity on every flight
· MSF continues medical consultations and provides body bags in Aceh
· MSF increases relief efforts on west coast of Banda Aceh
· MSF prepares fourth full cargo shipment for tsunami earthquake zone
· MSF clinic opens in Aceh, Indonesia
· MSF tsunami quake activity overview
· MSF delivers assistance to earthquake stricken areas of Southeast Asia
· More MSF emergency workers to South Asia earthquake and tsunami zone
· MSF prepares to deliver assistance to earthquake stricken areas of Southeast Asia