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old but bold

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.

felipe felop

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2008
hello everyone, i'm so chuffed to find such an excellent site,u just have to thanks to the ceo ,i have been a guest for too long now,so hopefully i/we can share so much info, i cant see why i cant share what i know with everyone cos were all here for just a brief stay on this planet
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Hey dude! Welcome to deeperblue :friday

Plenty of local company for you here on the forum, there are some great guys down your way, not an ounce of sense but great guys non the less rofl
Re:hello aquamarinists

first of all thank you to you all for a bit of common sense on this site its so refreshing my beer has gone flat,hmmm,however i would like to pass on a great gear website in the states that u might be interested in,sample its delights i know i'm new to the site but they deliver when they deliver & there knowledge is astounding, i hope i'm here to help & learn from such a great group of people Freediving and Spearfishing at the Blue Water Hunter - Deep Thought Custom Wet Suits
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