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Olympic maps for Portland waters Dorset

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Always Hungry
May 16, 2006
Ok then chaps here’s the official Olympic maps for the waters in and around Portland for both the main games and the Paralympics.
As spearo’s I reckon it’ll be a good idea to try and stay under the radar of any potential problems so with this in mind PLEASE, PLEASE try and keep away from the areas on the maps that show a no go during the games.
Fine to let other fisherman get a bollocking but how about we try and maintain the higher moral ground and all play ball with the authorities.
Cheers gents.


  • olympic waters schematic14feb.pdf
    563.2 KB · Views: 437
  • paralympic waters schematic 14feb.pdf
    540.4 KB · Views: 296
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Reactions: Broseidon
Nice one Pual looks like I should be able to get out to the cod grounds after all:)
Went diving with Lee on Thursday night in Portland harbour and Lee was asked by some Olympic officials what we were up to and they were very friendly when he showed them his speargun. They asked a few questions about catching 'sea bass' and then wished us luck and goodnight.

Looking at the maps in the link above, it looks like the harbour is only closed off during the actual games (28th July - 12th August). So does that mean we can still dive up to and after those dates?
from what i understand from working in a local watersports shop and having visits from the harbour master, you will still be able to access some areas of the harbour when the olympics are going on.