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Omer Alien

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New Member
Feb 9, 2006

I both freedive and scuba. When I started freediving I bought the Omer mask and was very happy with it. Sadly I can't say the same about their snorkel :(

Anyway soon I started using the mask for scuba as well, but it leaks constantly when scuba diving, but not while freedive. Really can't understand why, any suggestions?

My kit setup around my face is the same for both types of diving.
I know you say your set up is the same but do you use a hood while freediving as well as scuba? I have a similar problem with mine in that if I wear the mask over my hood it leaks badly. However if I wear the mask under my hood its fine (yes there is space between the seal and the hood). I would like to get that sorted too :confused:
Hi Pastor,

Yip I use the same hood in both instances and I always make sure that the skirt is tucked in underneath the edge of the hood.
Do you use snorkel when you freedive?
It may be that your upper lip gets pushed out by your regulator thereby changing the fit of the mask.
I'd guess your problem has something with your breathing movements when on scuba diving - the only variable factor here, compared with freediving, as Ulf pointed out...or you make faces all the time while scubadiving and the water gets in! just kiddin'!

Just make sure the mask sits tight, it's not over the hood and if you sport a beard, goaty i hear from the oldies using some greese will help.
Must be all those faces I pull:)

I do wear a snorkel when free diving and although I though that it was a very good potion to think about the difference in profile between snorkel and regulator, I have the exact same mouth piece on each.

Scuba tomorrow and will see if it makes a difference to tighten the mask some more, although my experience with other masks taught me the opposite as the water pressure keeps the mask to your face.
Well, if it leeks just on scuba, then it is no problem - simply blow the water out. Doing it when freediving would be also possible, but it would be a pity to waste the air.

to say it ain't a problem is not right. I know you can clear the mask, but to be doing it on a continious basis for a hour dive is certainly not what is expected from a mask and it also screws up our SAC rate.

So far I have done 4 hour plaus dives with this mask and it was the same scenario on each dive as quick as I clear the mask, so quickly it fills.
In that case I would simply try couple of masks from buddies, to see which fits the best, and buy then such mask for scuba. They do not cost that much that you could not afford another mask for each type of diving. It makes little sense to scuba dive with a freediving mask anyway - you'll enjoy the bubble trip much better with a good bigger mask with large vision field and may also have less problems with fogging on longer dives.
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screws up our SAC rate

Especially if your diving a rebreather! ;)

I would guess that you spit your snorkel when freediving and keep the second stage in while on scuba- the deformation around the mouth could cause the leaking.

I have an Alien and haven't had too many problems with it, although I do get leaks when swimming too fast in my monofin or using it with my scooter- seems the Sphera works better for that stuff.

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