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Omer Millenium vs. Cressi Gara 2000HF

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2004
Hello everyone!

I'd like to hear advices from divers who tried omer millenium series fins (black to be precize) and Cressi Gara 2000HF. I have to give away my Omers to brother and have really good deal on these older Garas that I'm suppose to buy.
I wonder what is the difference in stiffness of these two? Omer mill black are stiff but not overly stiff fins, I dont want any stiffer than that. Will I be satisified with Gara2000HF regarding this?
I will use them for recreational freediving, spearfishing, probably not deeper than 60 feet (20 meters).

I tend to be a big fan of Omer products, however when it comes to fins for warm water diving (going barefoot; no sock) I am by far a Cressi lover.

The reason is simple, it is the highly comfortable footpocket. :inlove

I could go on and on about them, but I have done posts like this in other threads about Cressi fins plenty of times. Do a search on this forum for lots of info about Cressi.





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2000HF are very stiff fins. I mean, not so stiff that your legs will hurt, but too stiff to allow correct swiming style. Define good deal for those Garas. If they are used don't pay over 300 kunas :))). If you're buying new, and don't have enough money for carbon, go for Gara 3000.

I have both pair and prefer the cressi's.. the omer's are stiffer.. and the footpocket is also stiffer on the omer.. I always grab the cressi's between the two of 'em.
Well, I can live with stiffness of Omer black milleniums, but I dont wanna
even tiny bit stiffer than that. I agree 3000 are better and easier on your legs but comparing the prices I get 130$ for 3000 and 100$ for 2000. (740 vs. 570 kunas)
I'll have to think some more...
Thanks for your replys!

I use the OMER Millennium Blacks for over an year now and I don't find them too hard. They are medium to soft in my opinion. I compared them to Gara 3000 and the Cressi's are much harder on my legs. I hear Gara 2000 are even harder than the 3000s. I know the legs will easily adapt to the extra stiffness of the new fins, but the most important thing is whether you need harder fins?
I do lot of surface swimmin and do not dive deeper than 20 metres so I like softer fins.
I have the Gara2000HF, and a buddy has the OMER Millennium (black blades).
OMER definately feel softer. In fact, you'll have a hard time finding anything stiffer than the 2000HF (except of course you do what i did: buy a pair of the stiffest marea carbon fins, those buggers have taught me a lesson) :head
[ame="http://forums.deeperblue.net/member.php?u=6759"]jimdoe2you[/COLO"]View Profile: a08885@@AMEPARAM@@View Profile: a08885</title>@@AMEPARAM@@a08885[/ame], are all these fins on the 3rd picture yours? Why do you need so many?

When I think of it... I could use another pair of fins to use with socks, since my current ones sit quite tight on barefoot.
I'm a pusher!!!

First I get you hooked on some Cressi, then I bump you up to some Special Fins, in the end I will have you strung out on C4!

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

(I just like to collect gear and have one of each type and stiffness)


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No such thing as too many fins

Younger, bigger lungs and more fins... not necessarily in that order. Or maybe so... :inlove

Check this month's contest.
I have the gara 2000, it is stiff, i thought i was the only one feeling that, i got used to it after practicing my ass out in the pool for like 15 sessions...after that , i went to the sea, and i saw great improvement, i am kicking like a horse now.
by the way too soft blades will make u tumble in the water especially when u r moving right and left. u will feel that that blades are going in wrong directions, and this is a frustrating feeling.

I hope this helped,

Thanks and best regards
hmm.. Not sure if I agree completely on the softer blades comment - I was diving Picasso Black team blades(Very stiff) for 7 years and have to say they were killing my technique. Aharon Solomons spotted it almost immediately. He then hooked me up with a pair of Waterway #2 stiffness blades and the results are like night and day! The softer blade allowed me to correct my technique and I no longer experience lactic acid buildup as quickly as before, and yet my efficiency underwater has greatly improved.

I'm hoping to get a second pair for another set of Picasso foot pockets I have within the next few months if all goes well...