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Omer products online..

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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New Member
May 9, 2006
I have been a very happy and satisfied customer of the DeeperBlue shop for a while now. Almost all my gear comes from them.

However they do not carry any Omer products.

I want to try some Omer products out, but being in Saudi Arabia, I have no local access to Omer or pretty much anything else for that matter.

I am wondering if anyone can recommend a online store that is the equivalent of the DeeperBlue shop that carries a wide selection of Omer products, and ideally spearo gear (looking at getting started). Fast, friendly, helpfull service would be great. I am not really that interested in the prices, so long as I get what I am looking for in a timely fashion.

If they ship DHL, that would be perfect!!

Thank you in advance!!
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www.subprof.com has several OMER product available (spearguns, fins, masks etc).

I belive many here in DB have ordered from there and recived their stuff on time.

Go check it out :)
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Yup - i'd second that. Contact Mark and he'll help out.

Also - Spearfishinggear.com is a US based company that sells OMER gear.
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