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Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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he reportedly was "agitated". LOL damm I cannot fly because of all this metal in my head!
That is crazy! I once read abou this chicken which survived for several months after getting its head chopped off. Apparantly a small amount of the rear part of its brain remained and that was enough for it to lead a nomal life - well as normal as it could be without its head! Sadly it died when its keepers let its skin heel over its open wind-pipe suffocating the poor thing.
I hope this guy has a better fate!
Swimming in a lake near miami, they must have jumped across several alligator backs, frogger style, to find some open water.

How did it chew its chicken feed
^ i read all sorts of fun things in the tabloids as well
Dammit Billy, for the last time, get inside!!!

I'm trying mum, bang, bang, bang, the door has shrunk!