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one eyed duel

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Campari Survivor
May 31, 2005
I went spearing very motivated yesterday at sunset, destination a good spot for bass. Perfect conditions, I felt very self-assured I'd be going to catch great fish, not caring about the fact I am slightly myopic (nearsighted): as always, I had my contact lenses, so what the F...kk?
While wearing the mask, the right-eye contact lens popped off and fell in water. Baaaad beginning! So I experienced one-eyed spearing and...missed seven shots on seven towards the dumbest basses ever seen (Trouble is that I'm used to close my left eye while aiming, but the right one saw everything foggy).
Finally, at the eighth attempt I got one bass: I couldn't explain why he stood motionless in front of me showing harmlessly his side. By pure luck, the shaft cracked its spine and the fish stood stuck, with no reaction at all, mouth wide open looking surprised. Me more than him when I got closer: the fish was one eyed too (he was lacking the eye on the side where i hit him).
--True story, certified by me.
Reactions: DeepThought
Hey Spaghetti, I just have to say, the similarities between your story and a few of ours here in BC (Gabe, Amphibious, Jpplay and, well, I was witness) to also spearing three fish each having only one functional eye. We jokingly referred to ourselves as the BC Blindsiders, but maybe it's not just a local phenomena...? What is it with one eyed fish?!


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So you DO believe in my story!
Surely in my case it's not a thing like the three-eyed fish of the Simpsons cartoon: no nuclear plants in Italy. My one-eyed bass just had a scar, probably caused by a line fisher with a rod or a minnow. However, the bass is cooked and eaten (in a paddle with olive oil, white wine and lemon juice) so that post-mortem autopsy is no more possible.
We may open a Blindsiders' folder in the hunting technique section. And I mean seriously: hunting one-eyed fish is very technical. First you have to be very quiet and make no water splashing, to avoid vibrations which could alert the fish despite his visual handicap. Then you must guess which one is the blind side......any more tips?
BC Blindsiders

can't wait to get back down to kamloops

ol' one-ey made the mistake of crossing the "T" on his blindside alowing me to close with and destroy with my lightning fast ninja pole spearing skills

How did he taste Iceselkie?
Amphi, any spot on the boat for me in you BC spearfishing trip? Seems up there I may catch some fish even if one of my contact lenses gets frozen...
haha, I'm camping! you'll have to talk to Tyler about boat lodging

I know haw you feel about contacts. my face/body wears a few scars from contacts failing at bad times while whitewater kayaking.

got zapped (LASIK) years ago and love it!
I got it! Maybe our one-eyed fishes just underwent Lasik surgery failures...(ok, the minnow thing is more credible. But...what if...)
We jokingly referred to ourselves as the BC Blindsiders, but maybe it's not just a local phenomena...? What is it with one eyed fish?!

fish hooks! you ever wonder about the fisherman saying "damn they were biting I just couldn't hook em!".
ive got a big one-eyed parrotfish once, he was keeping the good eye on me, which lead me to believe that it wasnt as good as he thought, i didnt know he was one-eyed until when i was taking him off the stringer.
I'm surprised that one-eyed fish manage to survive in the wild. (Until someone spears them, of course. ) Maybe if they are very big, they don't have too many predators.

When I was a kid I used to catch frogs. (And let them go, as I didn't want to keep them or eat them. ) Once I found one which had one back foot missing. It was an old injury which had healed completely. It was an exceptionally large and healthy frog, and was able to walk and hop perfectly well with the stump. Another time I found one with one back foot which must have been crushed and healed in a way which made it useless. Again, it was large and healthy. Both were difficult to catch, and I didn't suspect that anything was wrong with them until I had caught them.

Reactions: spaghetti
land shark said:
fish hooks! you ever wonder about the fisherman saying "damn they were biting I just couldn't hook em!".

rofl Once lucky?! A couple definitly had the scars that proved it wasn't some genetic mutation, and the ones I ate were (TY Amphibious ) VERY delicious!
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