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oppose Jack Baylis’ confirmation to the California Fish and Game Commission

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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2004
Help Take Ocean Closure Advocates off the CA Fish and Game Commission
As Jack Baylis’ appointment expires, CA anglers can bring balance to the Commission

California’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) is a controversial program that threatens sportfishing in the state by unnecessarily closing large areas of the ocean to recreational fishing, and ignores the real problems affecting California's coastal waters, such as habitat loss and pollution. California’s Fish and Game Commission (FGC), which is working to implement MLPA closures, is currently stacked 3-2, with ocean closure advocates outnumbering those that favor responsible, sustainable uses of California’s marine resources, such as angling. The FGC’s makeup hangs in the balance, as recreational fisherman wait to hear whether two pro-closure commissioners will be reappointed.

Commissioner Jack Baylis, whose seat is about to expire, has blindly supported the MLPA Initiative since his appointment to the FGC last September by Governor Schwarzenegger. In his short tenure as a member of the FGC, Baylis has failed to consider all sides of the issue and has consistently supported an effort that will prohibit angling in many of California’s best fishing spots. If California’s Senate Rules Committee fails to confirm Jack Baylis to the FGC, Governor Brown will have the opportunity to appoint a commissioner who will conserve California’s natural resources and be mindful of the impact of new regulations on its citizens.

Act Now!
Send a message to Members of the Senate Rules Committee urging them to oppose Jack Baylis’ confirmation to the California Fish and Game Commission. KeepAmericaFishing™ believes that Governor Brown should replace Baylis with a commissioner who understands his or her responsibility to conserve California’s natural resources, understands the role of anglers in conservation and takes into account the impact of regulations on California’s citizens and its economy.

Letter to Members of Senate Rules Committee, Copy to Gov. Brown

Subject: Oppose Jack Baylis’ Confirmation to the Fish and Game Commission

I am writing to request that you oppose Jack Baylis’ confirmation to the California Fish and Game Commission and allow Governor Brown to replace him with a commissioner of his own choosing who understands his or her responsibility to both conserve California’s natural resources and take into account the impact of regulations on California’s citizens and its economy.

As one of California’s 760,000 saltwater anglers, I am troubled by his blind support for the flawed Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative process. Commissioner Baylis, who was appointed by Governor Schwarzenegger last September, has been a strong advocate for closing large swaths of ocean to recreational fishermen, while failing to understand the real threats to California’s ocean resources, such as sewage outfalls and storm water runoff, ocean acidification, ocean side development and once-through cooling.

Fishery management in California is working, and recreational fishing closures are not needed. California’s citizens are better served by focusing on habitat loss and environmental pollutants than denying them the right to access public resources.

In addition, the state cannot afford the necessary enforcement, biological monitoring and public outreach – currently estimated by the Department of Fish and Game to be $40 million annually – of proposed MLPA regulations.

Given these numerous concerns, I urge you to oppose the confirmation of Jack Baylis so that Governor Brown may appoint a commissioner who will conserve California’s natural resources and be mindful of the impact of new regulations on its citizens.

Thank you for your consideration.
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