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Orcas spotted in the UK

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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OMG that Orca ate 17 tourists on that boat! He was very selective though, he only ate the ones with pies....

Orcas off Cornwall though, how crazy! very cool.
32 feet long and 9 tonnes, uuummmmm gona need the BIG bbq for one of those puppies.:friday

Reefy you’re from the colonies, any hints on the best way to bbq a whale, no good asking Apneaboy as he’s from Manchester and the only thing they set fire to up there is each other.:blackeye:D:D
Ha ha ha! Too funny, poor Steve, I'd stop laughing but he deserves it.

I'd try igniting the blubber and letting it slow roast inside itself ;)
Manalive! comes from the trampy part of the city so I can't comment on his views.

Reefy, its criminal actions that got you your country so don't knock it rofl

Talking of burning things, here is a catchy tune, what's this about bud?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejorQVy3m8E&ob=av2e]Midnight Oil - Beds Are Burning - YouTube[/ame]
I have an SK4 (Stockport, Cheshire) postcode, what's yours Steve, M24, what does the M stand for?

Do you remember the recent Stockport riots and looting? No? That's because there weren't any.
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I have an SK4 (Stockport, Cheshire) postcode, what's yours Steve, M24, what does the M stand for?

Do you remember the recent Stockport riots and looting? No? That's because there weren't any.

Did you get the badge back off your car yet? rofl

When you've finished racing your moped around the estate can I have them back?
Steve it gets worse mate, mr midnight oil became a politician!!

As I used to say to my English brother in law when we beat you at something "crime does pay"
32 feet long and 9 tonnes, uuummmmm gona need the BIG bbq for one of those puppies.:friday

Ummm . . . Cooking the big guy after you've caught him is not the real issue.

How do you catch one of those puppies is the real question. Try to imagine what an orca will do to any spearo who takes a shot from 5 m away? Especially if said spearo is wearing a black wetsuit that makes him look like a tasty seal . . . :crutch

Reefy you’re from the colonies, any hints on the best way to bbq a whale, no good asking Apneaboy as he’s from Manchester and the only thing they set fire to up there is each other.D
The Spearo better hit it strait in the brain, otherwise he's minced!