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Order a Mask? Or Try it on?

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Georgian Bay Freediver
Jan 14, 2006

Whenever I have been looking for a mask for scuba diving I have always tried the mask on to make sure there is a tight seal. With the freediving masks I find its harder to find that specific type of mask. (I am looking for the Sphera now :)).

I am thinking about just ordering one from ebay or something and checking it out after I buy it.

What are you thoughts? Should I wait and look around to test a seal before I buy a mask or just bite the bullet and buy one online?
Try it on would be better, if possible. Two tips: don't order the omer alien if you have a very big nose, stay away from the omer aries 45 if you have a very large face...(as you see, it's risky to order "closed box")
Ah thanks, I think I am going to go with the sphera mask. I like the look of it and the reviews on the volume are great.

The only down side I heard about it was it is poorly made. I'll still give it a shot thou.
My husband had a sphera, it's broken now, but he'd buy another Omer before he'd buy another sphera.
check out the new Sporasub Instinct. Great low Volume, excellent field of vision, super nice silicone skirt. I will fit so many. Good size nose pocket too.
I am so confused about what mask to buy....

My thoughts now are to wait and look at one in a shop. Test it out there, but I don't know.

I might just find a different mask and buy it and give it a shot. :)
I am having the same problem in choosing a mask. I was going to go for the Omer Alien one, but how do I know if I have a "big" nose? And also I how can I tell which Omer one has the lowest volume, they all seem to say that they are all really low. The Omer Olymipia and Bandit also look like they have extremely small volume, it's just hard to tell how much each one has, especially when you are looking online. Does anyone know if there are any dive shops in london that stock these masks?

I'm also have the same trouble whilst looking to buy fins too! :head

The cressi minima has a pretty small volume but I find the field of vision pretty narrow, feels kind of like looking through two tubes. I'm using the cressi superocchio and it has a bettter field of vision but larger volume. I've never tried the sphera so I don't know how it compares to it in terms of volume. The advantage with the superocchio is that many dive shops cary it (around here at least) so you can try before you buy.

Before ordering on ebay check the deeperblue dive shop, even after shipping my mask was half the price they are asking in the scuba stores.
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