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Orrrr that just tickles ( said Mr Mako )

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Aquatic Soul
Jan 20, 2005
I went for a Dive on Friday with a mate out to one of our favorite spots.

The ocean was flat with a slight off shore and Vis was about 20meters.
When we first got in there was fish every where, a good school of Buff brim for berley and assorted reef fish swimming around.

We were diving in about 22m of water looking for Spanish Macks so the first task is to shoot a couple of buff to get the berley happing and bring the macks in.
As we shot the first buff a noticed a shark sitting about 20m off and just where the viss dropped off, i though it was a Gray Nurse or a reef shark so didnt pay much attention to it.
We berlied up and did a few of drifts, with my buddy getting a nice snapperand a mack.
We had just swam up current and started to berly up agian when my buddy pushed past me with his gun out, i span around to see a 6-8 foot shark swim away, apparently it was sitting a couple of feet behind me just checking us out.
I had my trusty shark shield on so i wasnt to stressed about it.
My buddy than swam to the boat to pull a Mack and the Snapper into the boat that we had on the catch line before they became shark food.

I drifted past the boat and he jumped back in, I then did a dive to about 15m and just hanged for a while waiting for a mack or two to come past, all the time keeping a eye out for the Noa, on the way up i saw my budding going down with his gun extended i expected him to shoot a mack not to jab the 8 foot macko that was sitting of my back.
We surfaced and he was sitting about 5 meters off just eye balling us, he then did a run and came in from the side but got stopped by a good jab with a 3/8 spear shaft.
He then swam back to the 5m mark and stopped and slowly swam off, we then decided it was time to get out and go to another spot.( cleaned up, heaps of Fish at the second spot)

I have now learnt that a Shark Sheild is not going to stop a largish angry shark, he did come in to about 1.5 - 2m and sit of me and he was slightly veering away when he got jabbed, weather this was the Shark sheild doing its job and keeping him out our just him doing what he does.

Shark sheilds work this is the first time i have been buzzed while wearing one
But if you berling up and stink of blood and guts dont trust them 100%.

If a Decent shark wants you especially a Mako or White then a little tickle isnt going to stop it.

Sorry about the spelling im at work and rushing

wow, im really bummed out now, i got the shark shield, but when they say its been designed with spearfishing in mind, the assumption should be that you have fish on, it should provide the safety to return to the boat when you spot a dangerous shark in the area. again one should assume that the shark will be attracted to your fish.
i must say i am dissappointed by your experience, im glad you ad the budd are safe though, cheers
Shark Shield manufacturers never claimed it was 100% protection of attack, but a rather a deterrant. I think in this example it probably DID do it's job since they did get back to the boat and nobody was attacked. Had he not been wearing one the Mako maybe would not have stopped just short of him. Eventually, the drive to feed from all the burley would have likely been more than the Mako could resist. I think it's an example of how they DO work rather than an example that they don't.
I only wear my shark sheild as a kind of Back Up.

I have always been on the opion that thay will only deter the common reef sharks or sharks that are curious and are just having a look.

For that purpose they work well, Im fully aware that they will not deter an agressive Shark especially a Mako the only thing that deters them is getting out.

Makos are Psycho they are the crazed axe murders of the ocean, once they are in kill mode aint nothing going to stop them, there was no way we were going to stay in the water with it.

I would say the shark sheild did its Job it gave us the chance to get out.

If you have one just dont go putting blind faith in it.

Glad you are still whole and around Crusty, good advice as well.
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