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Osama joke

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2001
Post taken too far

...so I'm removing my part.

Erik Y
Last edited:
Point taken, of course. No offense meant to anyone, except terrorists!
Humour has it's place in the grief process....for me, laughing at the perpetrators helps :)
Erik Y.
Yeah, delicate theme...

I like this joke, it`s sensitive to all parties, quite unusual in times where it seems like we are all about having to go after some big big enemy...

regards joe

Go to this site if you want some great humor. We specialize in Saddam and Osama funnies. Join and post your favorite photos,mpegs or jokes. Read Ahmed and Mohammed latest news like "Heaven Running out of Virgins" or use the "Easy Faith Converter" if you are tired of your religion.



  • behindyou02.jpg
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Edge of taste...

Alright, well that`s not sensitive anymore. Sorry mate, but THAT kind of jokes I already heard and saw quite too much... Back to freediving:rcard

Ciao Joe

Why you tink I not sensitive?

Worst Iraq Joke:

Uday Hussein came home from the market with a box full of groceries.
Saddam asked him, " Why do you have them in a box couldn't you find a bag?" Uday replied, "Because there was no Bagdad."


  • 200212112665962230847384.jpg
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Closing post?

Nothing against you, but this theme is my soft spot. I just appreciated erik`s (now removed) joke because it did not involve any guns and wasn`t about anyone dying, that`s all. It`s very scary for me that there are terrible terrorist attacks resulting in two wars one after the other and poeple don`t know anything else to do than make jokes like the look-behind-you-one above. That is why i like Erik`s joke, one can laugh about it without making harrharrharr-voices. Simple as that.

Again, wasn`t against you, willsrn, I know that different people laugh about different things, have a nice day anyway!

Greets Joe

Sorry for the red card!:inlove
Why Sorry?

No need for Sorry, you have a right to your opinion same as me.
If you don't like what I say you can reply or ignore it. As for not being able to do anything except "make jokes" there is lots people can do, one of the most important being to make contact
with and discuss differing opinions with people of other cultures
who are brainwashed to hate all things western.
I am doing just that and I live in the most fundamental Islamic culture in the world. I use humor, discussion and sometimes arguement to change their outlook.
The traegy of 9-11 was not much of a wake-up call to this culture but it was to all other civilized people of the world.
Now we have a similar tragedy in Riyadh and denial here is beginning to be recognized as part of the problem. Whether you deem it offensive or not, humor is a very strong communication device.
Okay, maybe then it's time for something a little more "non-denominational". Some of you may have heard this one in various guises but anyway...

A freediver is diving near a busy beach, and having pushed a little too hard, he blacks out. His buddy drags him onto to the beach and screams for help.

A bystander pushes his way forward. "I'm a doctor" he says, and duly starts CPR. After several compressions, some water gushes from the diver's mouth. The doctor gives him a breath, and does more compressions, but to his dismay, more water comes out. Frustrated, the doctors presses repeatedly, but with each compression, more and more water comes out. The diver is now turning blue and the doctor starts to panic, screaming and thumping at the diver's chest.

"You're doing it wrong!" says a voice from the back of the crowd, to which the doctor replies, "I know what I'm doing, I'm a bloody doctor!" The voice replies "Yeah, well I'm a bloody engineer, and if you don't pull his arse out of the water you're going to drain the whole bay!!!"


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