Deepest Dave, Mad Dog Mark McHarris and I went up to Dorothea last weekend for some altitude training at a secret deep lake in North Wales (Dorothea) with Alun G, Sam S and Dave H.
Aside from blinding us with science (mouthfill, haemoglobin levels and the like)- the guys showed us some great hospitality, introduced us to the world of deep dark lake dives without scubies at the bottom (freaked me!) and took us for a rocking night out in Caernarvon....
In between times, the guys swam through an 8m long tunnel at 22m.... I chickened out on seeing the small, dark entrance....
The way up to Dorothea is pretty extreme, pot holed track through the woods and big sign declaring "dangerous waters, diving banned!" - if that doesn't do it, the huge mob of - not particularly attractive - hard core, northern Brit tech divers with portable compressors at the top is enough to put you off scuba for life.... glamorous? my hobby? !
.. one, not particularly bright, specimen chose to ask US if we had a handy O2 analyser..... yeah right...
and after diving we walked half way up Snowdown and put the world to rights.....
and then when we got back to the B and B.....Mark slept at Dave's feet in a dog bed....
the weather wasn't great so not many photos - what there are you can see on the gallery on
beautiful place undoubtedly and more to explore - but give me the dive platform, the warm changing rooms, the toilets that are not a bush a million people have hidden behind before, the quick drive over the bridge rather than 6 hours in the car and the burger van of NDC any day....
thanks again Alun and see you next time!
Aside from blinding us with science (mouthfill, haemoglobin levels and the like)- the guys showed us some great hospitality, introduced us to the world of deep dark lake dives without scubies at the bottom (freaked me!) and took us for a rocking night out in Caernarvon....
In between times, the guys swam through an 8m long tunnel at 22m.... I chickened out on seeing the small, dark entrance....
The way up to Dorothea is pretty extreme, pot holed track through the woods and big sign declaring "dangerous waters, diving banned!" - if that doesn't do it, the huge mob of - not particularly attractive - hard core, northern Brit tech divers with portable compressors at the top is enough to put you off scuba for life.... glamorous? my hobby? !
.. one, not particularly bright, specimen chose to ask US if we had a handy O2 analyser..... yeah right...
and after diving we walked half way up Snowdown and put the world to rights.....
and then when we got back to the B and B.....Mark slept at Dave's feet in a dog bed....
the weather wasn't great so not many photos - what there are you can see on the gallery on
beautiful place undoubtedly and more to explore - but give me the dive platform, the warm changing rooms, the toilets that are not a bush a million people have hidden behind before, the quick drive over the bridge rather than 6 hours in the car and the burger van of NDC any day....
thanks again Alun and see you next time!
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