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our spearguns

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Apr 12, 2005
I don´t know if there are similar threads, but i see people asking about guns often so i thought it might be helpfull if people wrote which gun/s they have/use and made a little personal review on the gun, things that they like or dislike etc. might be helpful to someone shopping for a new gun:) or for people like me who are just curious.

personally I have:

Seacsub crossbow 80 (first gun)
-eurogun, 80cm barrel
the crossbow has taken a good deal of fish, but it´s a noisy gun, badly ballanced and not very powerfull, the safety is anoying if wearing gloves, my thumb pushes it inn when on grip, feeling that I know a little more about guns now I would´nt recommend it.

Imersion Triaxx 100
-eurogun, 100cm barrel
-mainly carbon
the triaxx is an odd looking gun, it is however more solid than it looks, I am fairly content with the power (standard bands), the ballance i satisfactory, I can´t realy say anything negative about the gun, and the possitive comments are few as well since the gun is rather new to me, hope someone with greater expierience will have more comments.

The one big negative about the triaxx... when I use a reel, once the fish stops running I pull the fish in with my hands & leave the gun to float behind me. Unfortunately, the triaxx/reel combo sinks. This can be very difficult to work with, especially in kelp.
Yeah, but that would negate the whole point of the poles - minimal resistance for tracking. :head
I have a Cressi-Sub SL Star 50 and I love it.
The pros and cons:
Pros: Plenty of power, great maneuverability, range is about 12' if you push it, and it is compact enough that I hardly notice it while navigating a reef or wreck.

Cons: The line tangles easily when fighting a fish in, I got a thirty pound pompano (with a rock tip) that tied me up. The handle used to load the spear when the gun is fully charged can be a nuisance to carry around, other than that I have no complaints.
Suggestion: When using this gun for larger fish (18+lbs) I like to use a paralyzer with barbs; a good head shot can stop them cold.

Happy Hunting
Does anybody know anything about the quality of breakdown travel guns like JBL’s Combo Travel Breakdown Set- Blue Water Gun/Rock & Reef Gun? It looks good but I am leery of anything like that that has joints. Any informed input would be greatly appreciated.
hcknudsen said:
I don´t know if there are similar threads, but i see people asking about guns often so i thought it might be helpfull if people wrote which gun/s they have/use and made a little personal review on the gun, things that they like or dislike etc. might be helpful to someone shopping for a new gun:) or for people like me who are just curious.

All Wong guns. From left to right, 55" hybrid with open track and 9/32" shaft, 57" magnum hybrid with enclosed track for 5/16" shaft, 60 hybrid with 9/32" shaft, ono gun, and mahi gun. My favorite is the 57" magnum. It has the same bands, shaft and length as the mahi, but is easier to swing and aim. The ono gun is overkill for Southern California diving.

The other photo shows just the hybrids, which are what I really use anyway.

Yes, I have too many guns.:)


  • 3hybrids.JPG
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Nice collection Bill, here is my:

For left to Right

75 sporasub blackviper
44 inch HSD yokooji
90 sporasub blackviper
90 mares phanton (the same as the black viper)
2x100 black vipers
100 teak-sea Azimuth with RA reel
riffe no-ka-oi
55 inch yokooji with enclosed track,

Not in the picture I've bought a 100 teak-sea pal and a 58 inch yokooji

The ones that bring the fish home are the sporasub from 75 to 100

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Nice guns strangelove, are the Sporasub Viper and Black Viper the same gun? There is a Viper for 99 bucks at scubatoys.com.

The picture on the site is of black viper, there is also a low end sporasub call the aspic, that does not have the track on the barrel like the black viper and the viper elite.
All my sporasubs are power with one 19mm picasso band and 6.5 shaft.

All those guns are in Brazil

I also have an 47 inch andre that I use in Alaska to hunt for pike on the lakes.
My first gun was a 750mm, of which I dont know the name as I found it in the bottom of a tidal pool. It worked well so I kept it and had many a good day till the handle gave in on me.
I now have a 1100mm Rabiteck Apex with alu barrel and rail and single 20mm band which Im planning to change to two to get a longer range.
At the moment Im very happy with the gun, it has little resistance for swinging and aiming and is very accurate. The trigger mechanism is also very smooth with little resistance when firing so gun movement upon firing is minimal. The gun is well balanced and quite powerfull even with one band so Ive got no complaints. Good allround gun, it gets a little long when hunting in the kelp though.
Save diving. :)
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