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Oysters, Mmmm

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Working Class Spearo
Mar 17, 2002
follow along with the pictures will you?

after a hard days work....

you need a good feed!

Oysters & Vodka tonic, mMMMmmmmmm

even the Aussies like them!

oysters on the BBQ, Asiago Chese & Hot Sauce, heat untill melted. YUM
oysters! yummy. will have to try it next time. nice to c u r still around, i thought a bear finally got to ya. be safe
That look delicious. This Aussie will have to try your recipe! (I don't REALLY need to do a hard days work first do I?)
Damn Colin, that does look good. And you have really decent oysters up BC way, too. That does it, I gotta come north for a (very hungry) visit.
good to see you enjoying some aphradsciaco mentalis Amphi...sure does look tasty...I'd a gone with a vodka oyster shooter myself....albeit a bit dangerous chugging plates full of oysters amongst a group of men...all alone in the woods:inlove

rofl how did that song go?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zey8567bcg]YouTube - Lumber jack song[/ame]
Reactions: settingsteel
it was the only fresh seafood we could find. not much of a selection in Whitecourt, Alberta. if it's not deepfried or budweiser, it's no good acording to the locals. feels like I'm back in florida

the former occupants of this crew house were all girls, so we have lots of pink mugs and fuzzy pillows :S
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the other 2 blokes are aussies living here, strangely they don't seem to mind
OK guys enough...take it to the PM....where those mentors when you need'emrofl

Good to see you doing good Amph...when back in FL shoot me a PM...but leave the pink mugs and fuzzy stuff in Alberta:t
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