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Packing for (Your Bags) Spearfishing.

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Waiting for Summer!!!
May 28, 2002

What do you guys usually pack when you are on a trip to spearfish ?

I'll give a list of stuff that I usually take and yew guys can add on.

Essential Stuff

Weight belt
Neoprene Socks
Diving (body bag) for cray's and abs.
Float & Rope
Abb Tool
Measure for Crays and abs

Spare Stuff
Spare rubber for gun.
Spare Mask
Extra pair'o gloves.
Extra Rope (You never know when you can tie that big one around the tail and hang it from a tree for some Pics.( I can dream OK) :eek:

Usefull stuff

Wetsuit Lube (I don't normally use this beacause I leave my wetsuit is StaSoft (A fabric softner)overnight) but when I were a bit lazy I use a waterbased cream. I find that the Fabric softner really makes your suit soft and it prevent chaffing.
(While I'm on it can someone please make a lube that is shark repellant. Please!!!!!!!)

Camera (Leave it in the Car.I use one of those disposable jobbies. You can use your real camera @ Home.)

A Engergy drink such as Redbull for before the dive. Gives you Energy.

A Energy drink for afters such to replace the fluid that you lost and to wash the sea taste out of your mouth.

An Energy bar for afters to get the energy back. Usually when I get out of the water I feel quite tired and this helps a lot.

Water. You can half-fill a bottle the previous evening with water and put it in the freezer overnight to freeze and the top it up before you leave.

A few refuse bags to put fish in otherwise it stinks up your car.

I don't do this but I think it would be a good Idea to have a First-Aid kit in the car.

A really important thing is a good bag to pack everything in. If you have a sh*tty bag it can spoil a lot of your fun. I sometimes have to walk quite a bit to get to the spot and lugging stuff under your arms and in your to small bag is a surefire way of getting irritated. There is a diving shop near me that custom makes diving bags. You can have them put a cooler box in it if you want to!

It has a place for your flippers, wetsuit and speargun. The suit bit is waterproof so you can chuck it in the car afterwards without worrying. They go for about R 500 to 600 (50 to 60 Dollars)

Happy Diving.

Cheers Reinier
My bag is essentially a huge mesh backpack. I love it!! No it's not water proof, buy my suit is usually just damp after a dip anyway (not dripping wet). And it only costs 30 bucks. Even when packing for a winter dive, all my stuff fits in it (granted my gun is only a little JBL Custom - soon to be a Riffe MT#0 :p).

I'm also a big fan of bringing a cooler instead of bags (unless I'm going for smaller fish that will fit in a two-gallon ziplock). Big fish always seem to get a sudden burst of life on the way home in the car. It doesn't matter if I pith em, rip out their gills, and drain them of every ounce of blood. They always "save" one last thrash for the back of my car on the ride home :confused:. I know they are dead....they get that distant stare.....nonetheless, it always happens. And in summer, I like to bring a cooler because I want to get the fish on ice as soon as I get out of the water.

One important thing I think you left off your list was extra speartips / hawaiians. If you forget to bring extras you are destined to dull your point on the first shot :waterwork.
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I use a baseball bag. It’s big enough for all your junk but you can stick ur mid size gun in the space for a bat in there. Not to mention it’s durable as hell. Good for beach dives.
I usually pack for two, #1 and myself, so, to plagiarize SAFish's list:

Essential Stuff

Wetsuits 2
Masks 2
Snorkels 2
Hooded Vests 2
Weight Belts 2 (one 6 lb., one 10 lb.)
Flippers 2 pr. (full foot for him, open heel for me which is soon to change)
Gloves 2 pr.
Booties 1 pr.
Goodie Bags (catch bags) 2
Spearguns 2
Float & Rope 1 or 2
Knife 3 (he has 2, I have 1)

Spare Stuff

Point for Shaft
Mask Straps
Fin Straps
Goodie Bags
Float Rig (sometimes)

Usefull stuff

Dry Clothes, for the ride home.
Disposable U/W Camera
Coca-Cola for before the dive. Just because I like a cold Coke on the drive there.:)
Coca-Cola for after to wash the sea taste out of my mouth and just because I like a cold Coke on the drive home.:)
48 Qt. cooler to ice down fish and Cokes. As long as it's fish who cares about the smell in the car? It smells like success.

It is a good idea to have a First-Aid kit in the car, and jumper cables, tools, toilet paper, flashlight, etc.

I have a big mesh backpack style bag that it all the dive gear goes in except the guns and cooler. Smaller stuff like masks, snorkels and gloves go in the goodie bags. One for his gear, one for mine, one for the knives and two for the spare gear.

The vests and wetsuits we put on at home, it's usually less than a 30 minute drive to any beach we go to. :D

Holy cow guys thats a lot of gear, I reckon if I had to pack that much gear I would struggle to get on the plain.

energy drink before the dive

Different stroke for different folks but why such a high powered drink before the dive? If you look at the ingredients, a lot of the active stuff are stimulants. Guarana, ephedra, caffeine, they are all stimulants. Won't these speed up your heart rate and take down your bottom time? I am asuming you're a freediver as I saw no mention of scuba gear. I find that if I drink a cup of coffee before a dive, my bottom time goes down. I usually drink 2-3 cups of coffee throughout the work day and have a soda with lunch and dinner so it's not like I'm sensitive to caffeine. I do like something with kick after a dive as my favortive dive spot is a 1 hour 45 minute drive one way. This after a 4-6 hour dive and I need somehting for the trip home. Morning drink is usually chocolate milk or gatorade before the dive. These coupled with a small, non greasy breakfast and I'm good to go for a few hours. Just my thoughts.


Yeah never tried the energy drink, sounds good though worth a try you reckon :D

Honestly, I've never tried tose "energy drinks". I have however used thermogenics. For those who don't know, a thermogenic is a bodybuilding supplement that revs up your heart rate thereby increasing your metabolosm which in turn burns fat. Good stuff for burning fat and supressing your appetite but horrible to dive on. The active ingredients are basicaly caffeine and ephedra. I made that mistake a few years back when after doing a late night dive, my partners and I decided to pull an early morning day dive at a spot about an hour and a half drive away. The more experienced diver in the bunch took a thermogenic to "get pumped up for the dive." Since this guy was the best diver there, I decided to follow his lead and downed one of those little pills. I ended up having terrible bottom time. Since then, I watch out for anything containing caffeine or any other type of stimulant prior to diving. But hey, if it works for you, more power to you.

Brad :martial :martial
Ephedra is bad news :duh

Ive used Ripped Fuel numerous times for paddleboard races and long training missions. The combination of caffiene and ephedra is really potent, and will keep your energy level real high, for sustained periods, especially when asperine is added to the mix. This "stack" is a popular combination.:hmm

Ive done some research, and have discovered that ephedra leads to heart beat irregularities, heart attacks, and stroke. Ill never touch anything with ephedra in it again....the last thing I need is a funky heart while underwater.

Goes to show that if it seems to good to be true, it probably is

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