Like what Frank said, packing doesn’t seem to help my statics much, if any, when I do it with my breathhold. But I do find it helps if I do it before my breathholds to expand the lungs. I do this before the breathup. I feel like I get a larger breath, plus there is less pressure discomfort.
Another important thing that packing does is what Bill talked about. It can really help give you the extra air pressure to equalize at depth. I have learned to control the muscles opening the eustachian tubes pretty well, so I can usually equalize at depth, but the problem is generating the air pressure to get a good solid, know their equalized, pop. I hate getting partial, uncertain pops, and freaking myself out wondering if my ears are completely equalized or not. Packing helps me avoid these distracting thoughts.
The pressure discomfort does quickly go away as you descend.
As is often said, don’t pack too much when you are learning. You can easily damage yourself. My limit is between 20 – 30 packs where my eustachian will open up. I will quickly hurt my eardrums, by over inflating the middle ear, if I try to hold the breath.
Hope this helps,