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PADI or NAUI instructor?

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Tahoe Diver

New Member
Dec 30, 2004
I want to pursue my insructor certification and I'm not sure which is better, PADI or NAUI. I have PADI O/W, Advanced and Rescue but in my town the only shop that I would want to work with is NAUI.

What do current instructors think? Which is best for the long term?

Thanks :)
It's more the instructor than the certification. The NAUI guys were a better crew in my area in my opinion when I went through the ITC but that was a long time ago. I'm happy with the choice I made. Do research locally to see what's best for you.
NAUI 5437
NAUI will train you to a higher standard and keep you away from the "fast food" dive instructers you'll find prevalent in the PADI crew. that being said I have met *a few* competent padi dive instructors.....

NAUI # 37939
Padi, Naui, SSI, IANTD,TDI etc. Its like Ford, GMC, Mazda, Honda etc.
they all have their good and bad points
Get one and then cross over to the others, it doesn't hurt to represent a few, and it will open up you options with regards to employment.
I'm an instructor for IANTD, Padi, TDI, SSI referral instructor etc.
In Autrailia, they preferred SSI instructors at one time then Padi. In Cayman Padi seems to be the leading agency there, However IANTD is becoming very popular as well, and lots of refferal instruction down there.

just some food for thought,
hope this helps
Cali pretty much nailed it.

I've been a PADI instructor for 20 years, but also am certified through SDI and DSAT. The shop I currently work at was a PADI/ TDI center but switched over to NAUI last year to combine all the programs, both rec and tec, under one roof. They will still teach PADI and TDI, but only if specifically asked to.

I've known really good and REALLY bad NAUI, PADI, TDI and IANTD instructors. In the end it really depends more on how you are in the water than whom you certify with.

While I would agree that it's a good thing to cross-certify with many different orginizations, I would also add the it get's to be quite expensive around the new year when you have to renew with each of them seperately- at around $100+ a pop. :waterwork

I have been running DiversJobs . com for a long time... well not so long... like 8 months... and 75% of the jobs are for PADI Instructors.

I find the is u want to be both, PADI and NAUI is better to start by PADI.

I worked in Egypt and Thailand... Egypt big in PADI, CMAS (in Dahab...) and TDI... (dahab also...)... Thailand a lot of PADI... and SSI starting to get more popular everytime.

Hope It helps...

Also if you are interested check one of my websites related to PADI IDC:
* (sorry for the publicity - but I think has to do with the topic :duh )
Hy all. I`m new here.can someone explain me difference between PADI, NAUI, CMAS.I`m from Croatia and here I`m 2 star diver but with CMAS certification. What is the difference??Thank you all
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