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padi skin diver, worth the pay or get away?

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New Member
Aug 20, 2001
Hi everybody, Ive got a question for you, recently I have asked a couple of diving schools in my country for the "padi skin diver" course, but the answer I received was merely vague :head , instead the employees tried to convince me to enrole in the course "open water" Im intereseted in that course but not now, right away I cant think on anything but freedive :D.

The question is: the skindiver course is good enough or is just another way to make money for the diving school?? this course will teach me the right techniques for serious freediving??? or should I get an independent freediver teacher?????

Besides I consider that they refused to give me more information because the open water course definitely represents more money for them, too bad... I hope this doesnt happen everywhere. :naughty

Thanks and keep on flyin underwater
Manglio :t
I've never taken a PADI Skin Diver course but I did take both a NAUI Skin Diver and a YMCA Skin Diver. I found both courses worthwhile and both taught the relevant physics, some relevant physiology and gave significant experience in the pool getting used to using mask, snorkel and fins.

I thought that the YMCA course was more thorough, covering some of the deeper aspects of freediving and relevant marine life hazards. I took both courses 24 years ago so curriculums may have changed and my memory is hazy. I don't recall either course covering rescues from blackout. I'd now call that pretty essential in any freediving course.

I consider myself lucky because I don't know anyone else who has taken a Skin Diver course. Such courses are hardly ever taught, and when they are offered, it is usually for kids under 15 who are too young for a full Open Water SCUBA qualification.

I suggest caution in pursuing a PADI Skin Diver course but you could get lucky. It really depends on the experience and motivation of your instructor. Don't put your money down until you get to meet the instructor and find out how experienced he or she is and what's on the course besides the PADI minimum. I could just as easily say this with respect to SCUBA instruction but Skin Diver is bound to be even more variable.

Good luck and be sure to report on any course you end up taking.

Firstly I would like to say that I have previously worked in dive centres, am a divemaster myself and have many instructor friends. I would like to agree with Tom that the course and subsequent results will vary dramatically depending upon the instructor. One mustn't lose sight of the fact that PADI instructors are principally scuba diver instructors and not really best placed to instruct freediving. The lifestyles I have experienced are far from conducive to freediving, and although the majority expressed an interest in freediving none of them had even a basic grasp of the fundamentals without referring to the PADI manual.

Ofcourse there will be exceptions but my advice would be find yourself an experienced buddy who's willing to instruct you the basics and when you feel confident enough attend a freediving clinic. You'd also be amazed how much knowledge you can gain from lists and sites such as this.

The most important thing is to just enjoy yourself and stay safe!

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