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Pairs Dive

Thread Status: Hello , There was no answer in this thread for more than 60 days.
It can take a long time to get an up-to-date response or contact with relevant users.


New Member
Mar 6, 2005


This is a non-competitive dive with prizes and trophies given to the best-sized fish of each species Bass, Mullet(s), Pollack, Black Bream, Gilthead Bream, Plaice, Flounder, Cod. Also prizes given for best sized Lobster and Brown eating Crab

With your entry fee you will automatically be entered into the BSA raffle with top spearfishing gear as prizes

This competition starts at 0:01hrs (one minute past midnight) 30th June with no specific area. You can go where ever you like to fish in the country as long as you meet back at 17:00hrs at Portland Oceaneering, Castle Town, Portland Island, Dorset for the weigh in, prize giving, social drinks and BBQ

It is advised that you either Bed & Breakfast or camp near by, the first couple of beers are on the BSA

Entry fee is £15.00 payable in advanced per diver. Juniors are free

Please send your entry fee no later than 25th June 2007, and named pairs to: Glenn Cooke (BSA Chairman) 34 Stanley Road, Stamshaw, Portsmouth, Hants PO2 8EN. Please make cheques payable to the BSA

All contact information can be found on the BSA website: British Spearfishing Association - index
Hope to see you all there
Re: Pairs Dive Update!

Hi All,
Please see update on the PAIRS DIVE 30th June 2007.

Entrace fee should read: £15 per pair of divers (not per diver).

You DO NOT have to be a BSA member to enter this dive.

Glenn Cooke (BSA Chairman)

P.S. Please put this dive in your diary, it will be great to see you there.
Just to let you know that we had a training dive at the weekend for three of the four-man British Team with myself as part of the management team to keep an eye on them. We started on the Jenny grounds off Hove in 10mts for a warm up dive before making our way out to the Pentyrch a WW1 wreak in 21 mts of water. We dropped a buff attached to a grapnel with a trail rope; this buoy showed us that the tide was still moving at a rate of over a knot. The lads were given the choice of waiting for the current to slacken, no chance they were over the side and racing for the buoy like three dolphins. Then proceeded to dive to 65ft, in viz that was reduced to 2 mts by plankton, their average bottom times were 2 mins plus. One of the lads caught two bass up to 5lbs this only served to increase the already competitive spirit that was beginning to show.
We then moved to a small wooden wreak a mile further out which as far as we knew had never been dived by free divers. The lads found it after half a hour searching in 65ft of water to find out that it was tiny just ten foot across with a single spar sticking up ten foot of the bottom. We ended up on the Kingmeer a set of rocks in 16 mts, 6 miles off Worthing, the viz was a lot better here at twenty foot plus and they carried on fishing to take another bass of 4lbs and a number of bream. I suppose I had better mention the fact that I got in the water here myself, as they seemed to be enjoying their selves and dived to the bottom to look under a rock that I could just make out from the surface. Gliding into the under hang I notice a small side tunnel, just my luck an 11lb Bass was hiding in it. They all declined when I asked if they wanted their photo taken with it not that I would wind them up! We finished with a BBQ at my house for the families and you could tell from the conversations that a mutual respect for each other’s ability is growing between the team members.
The British team members will be diving in the pairs comp at Potland on the 30th June and will have a stand at the BBq afterwards to answer questions and give advice. Look forward to seeing you there.
Reactions: Mr. X
Sounds like you had a good dive there!

Oh... and nice bass !

21meters for over 2mins thats amazing how do you get breath holds like that?
Two min’s is not that long but it is in those conditions, in two mts viz they did not know what they were going into on an unknown wreak every time they dived. Trosky at 38 is the oldest in the team he has been diving since he was 12 and is so laid back he is in danger of falling over. As a youngster he used to do 4.5 mins in the bath. In my younger days I used a method called cramming, this involved taking a lungful of air holding it for a few seconds then cramming a bit more in. This stretches the lungs and can be done as many times in a day as you like. Another one of the team walks with his dog and holds his breath for as many steps as he can trying all the time to beat his own record of 1000 yards. Only kidding. Walking is a very similar action to swimming. Hope some of this helps.
thanks eric ive just done a freediving course with saltfree which was brilliant. they got me down to 20 meters which is along way, well it is for me. still wouldnt of liked to dive that far in 2meter viz. heard of the apena walking before think ill give it a try!
Reactions: podge
Re: Update on the BSA Pairs Dive


Update on this event is:

Paul Maxwell, that infamous South African Spearfisherman is going to cook the BBQ on his famous BRY. He is a legend in the quality of meat he buys and cooking overs coals. We are very lucky to get this opportunity to taste his culinary skills. Those of you who remember the Talland Bay comp 2 years ago will remember his BBQ that evening was fantastic.

There will be a Great Britain Team stand, where you will be able to get all the up to date info on the European Competition in Spain in July 2007 and info on the World Championships in Venezuela in 2008. You can also have the opportunity to purchase GB team T shirts and Eric Smith's new book (signed by the author) on Spearfishing: NO SHARKS TODAY. The Great Britain Team will be there to answer any of your questions.

Lee Deighton will also be showing off his skills in preparing fish. I for one struggle in gutting, scaling and filleting of fish and Lee is an expert in the preparation of fish including dogfish.

Portland Oceaneering's shop will be open late for any of you that wish to purchase spearfishing gear and The GB team sponsors (European Spearfishing Supplies, Spearo & Apnea Jersey) will also be selling/order spearfishing gear.
Apnea NEW Online Store

For those of you that wish to enter can you please let me have your entrance fee no later than 25th June 2007.All info can be found on the BSA website (competitions) British Spearfishing Association - index

Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any additional info.
Glenn Cooke (BSA Chairman) igneous59@hotmail.com

Meet venue
Home - Home of Portland Oceaneering[/CENTER]
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Re: Further Update on Pairs Dive 30th June 2007

Hi Guys/Gals,
If you are planing to bring Partners/girlfriends/wives/family members then please let Paul Maxwell know (his email address is below). Also If you wish to bring your own meat for the BBQ then please let Paul know that also. We need to know numbers for the BBQ/food.
The London International Club (LIC) have donated £100 (thanks guys) for the meat so its gonna be a great BRY.
Re: Further Update on Pairs Dive 30th June 2007

Glenn, not BRY...BRAAI...rofl

Only bugger is I really would have liked to come along but have had a spanner in the works....hopefully you all have a good time. Here's to all the spearos getting to know one another and become a bigger closer knit community! Hope to see other such events...:friday
Reactions: stuckinsurrey
Does anybody know if it's ok to enter a team of 3 instead of just pairs...

My dive buddy has pulled out so we are fishing a team of three; it is not a problem the prizes are for the best of each species not overall catch. You can pay on the day but Glenn would like to know numbers for the BBQ. It sounds like it will be a great weekend I am looking forward to meeting some of you. Look out for the British Team stand, they will be traveling out to Spain the following weekend to the European Championships and should be able to answer questions on gear & techniques.
Thanks for the information Eric.We will pay on the day and there will be 3 of us.
1. Is anybody producing an official T shirt to mark this event?

2. Would the organisers mind if I produced a T shirt with the date and location on?

3. Am I upsetting a forum administrator by posting this?

I could have the shirts ready by the morning of the competition for you to collect. Each one could be individually printed with your own nickname etc if required.


Home Page
Good luk to everyone in the pairs comp and lets send some good wether/vis vibes out!!!!

Looking foward to meeting you all there.
Went to Portland today to check out the sea state.Chesil is pretty rough and the east coast wasn't much better.Did stop and watch some Peregrine Falcons for a while though which was very cool...Attached some pictures i took of the east coast.
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Well a great BBQ and nice to see so many like minded people there.Some amazing fish caught considering the weather.

A lesson learnt by myself that when attending a competion and you have a fish to weigh in don't scale it and don't let one of its eyes fall out as this could cost you in lost weight:head

Fish weighed in included

Thick Lipped Mullet
Golden Grey Mullet
Gilthead Bream
Edible Crab
Cheers to everyone who organised this event, it was really enjoyable despite (or maybe because of) the weather and i look forward to taking part a bit more fully (only got a couple of hours diving in during the 17 hrs avaliable!) in the next one!
It takes a lot of bottle to keep a competition moving forward in such bad weather conditions and it is always the easy option to cancel and hope for calmer seas next time but luckily we in the BSA have a strong Chairman in Glenn (Never a Dull Day) Cooke. Despite torrential rain at times and winds of force six many fine fish were pulled out. The best fish of the day was a Gilt Head bream of 2.5 kilo caught by Gary Roach at first light
(4 am) from the arms at Portland. This fish was followed by a bass of 4 kilos caught by Kevin Daly after a 3.5 hr swim to the outer reef at Bognor to fish in a near gale before taking 2 hrs to swim back that’s dedication for you. The best Pollock of the day was taken from a wreck in 60ft off Fowey in Cornwall, with a weight of 4.5 kilos by Dave Tommason a member of the British Team. The rumors about Paul Maxwell’s BBQs proved to be correct, I have to admit he is a legend, with free beer and soft drinks the evening went well and many thanks must go to our sponsor’s for the raffle prizes and the use of the facilities at Portland Oceaneering. It was also a pleasure to talk to a lot of the lads that we correspond with on the forum sites in person, we must try this again and with luck we will be blessed with calm seas and sunshine.
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