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Palooza appropriate picnic food?

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Aug 20, 2006
What are good dishes to bring to a palooza picnic that would remain safe without refrigeration for, oh (3 hrs travel, 4 hrs palooza time =) about 6 hrs?

... and that would sate some hungry divers' appetites?

Apart from the usual munchies, I can't think of anything really substantial that wouldn't make everyone sick...

Any ideas, please? Thanks in advance...

I'll probably be living on Mountain House freeze dried goodies.. but for a picnic? maybe carrots... any cured meats like ham, bacon, summer sausage, jerky I think would survive the trip..a cooler would help of course. Breads, bagels, peanut butter does well.. one option would be a run to town for some prepared food.. a party sub is sounding pretty good right now as a matter of fact. What about fruit.. bananas, apples, oranges, etc. would last for a day or something like special k bars or rice krispy bars (can't stand 'em myself, but I know some like 'em). Red Wine...
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Maybe Jon and I will bring some of these. Between the two of us, we snagged about 40 of them yesterday :p


I likes the fruits & veggies...should keep well in a cooler. Water Melon is always good.
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