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Paralyzer spear tips for fiberglass?

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Apr 29, 2017
I'm fairly new to pole spears and live in the UK.

I have a fiberglass pole spear and I'd like to get a tip for it with less than 5 prongs - I know there are ones with 3 prongs or a single one available for the aluminum kind, but can't seem to find anything like it for the fiberglass spear. Does anyone know a place selling them for fiberglass spears in UK, or does anyone know a reason why you can only get these other kinds for the metal spear? I know I'll end up having to get a metal one eventually but it would be cool in the meantime if I could find a paralyzer tip with less prongs.
It depends on the spear threads. Which do you have? I have a glass fiber pole made by Epsealon. It has a 9/16 inch thread and I have not found any tips for that, except the original 5-prong. For that spear you'd have to fabricate an adapter to M7 or M6 thread, which are quite common for tips, at least in Europe.

Material of the spear itself should not make any difference in my knowledge. M6 seems to be common for polespears and M7 for speargun shafts.
I'm not sure the make of the one I have, the thread gap is 9/16 in. though the tip attachment is female unlike the spare single prong one I have which is male (and I think that one must fit the aluminum spear of the same size). Good to hear the spear material doesn't matter much, I guess at some point I might be able to find someone who knows how to fabricate adapters. Looks like I'll have to get a different spear for this single prong tip to be of any use as I can't see any adapters for sale anywhere. Thanks for the info (y)
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