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Peanut Butter and Jellyfish

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New Member
Jun 16, 2003
We were finally able to go out this weekend. After foul weather for the past weeks, we were all going through "spearo withdrawal" from the absence of that wonderful adrenaline rush of underwater breathhold spearfishing.

Anyhow, a few local Miami spearos and myself ventured out to the reefs to satisfy our thirst. The waters were a bit choppy, but the boat we were in handled them without concern. As we all broke the surface and submerged we were greeted by what seemed like thousands of jellyfish. There were more jellyfish in the water than pimples on a 13-year old's face.

Overall we had a productive day. We shot two nice Black Groupers (Aguajis), several nice Mutton Snapper, a few respectable Miami-sized hogfish and two bugs. Several curious Cero Macks ventured into our realm, but stayed just out of range from our guns.

I've attached several pictures for your viewing. Here I am elated after spearing this nice 15 pound "Black". This grouper's fillets were thicker than Janet Reno's inner thighs, but as tasty as my mother's Cuban-style Ox Tail stew (Rabo Encendido). Hope you all enjoy and may the spearfishing gods be with you.:)


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A few more pics...

Here's two Miami-based spearos showing off some of the catch. The spearo on the left (Deepdown) enjoys spearfishing behind rich-folks backyards and urinating in public. He will soon venture off to "Never-Never Land" (The married Life) and we all wish him the best. The other spearo on the right (Spearoo) is showing his nice Muttons. Spearo enjoys hunting Mutton Snappers and eating raw Venezuelan Cod-fish. He particularly enjoys the joyous aroma of Cannabis sativa L. (Our state flower). Both are good spearos and excellent divers to hunt with.

Not pictured is another local young-gun, Mushkee. Mushkee enjoys spearing hogfish and running over other divers' floatlines... :D

As fall concludes and winter approaches, we hope to have more images to share in the future. Thanks to the guys on the boat for letting me tag along. I greatly enjoyed the experience, but the company was even better. Perhaps next time the Crazy Cuban, Antonio Montana can get his degenerate butt off the couch and join us;)


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It's always good to be out there with you too. Why did you have to let the whole world know I'm getting married? You just broke a bunch of hearts & spoiled all the fun. But anyhow, I hope those fillets tasted as good as they looked.

Have a good trip.

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i'm jealous you bastards!

nice catch and good pics. where'd you guys go out of? haven't been out in a couple weeks and having withdraw.. help me!!!!!!! hopefully i'll get out this weekend if all goes well. Rolando check your pm oh, by the way deepdown, DONT DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the mental support there, got lungs? ! I'm sure I'll be fine...


Originally posted by Deepdown
Why did you have to let the whole world know I'm getting married? You just broke a bunch of hearts & spoiled all the fun.

Dont worry...Aquiles will date married men occasionally:chatup
Just a comment from the now, Queer hellenistic fellah. I stopped dating married men when Rigdiver got married. Sorry to dissapoint but he just broke my heart. Hey Rolando how about an invite to hunt. (I don't to kiss on the first date)

now there's nothing worth living for...goodbye cruel world;)
Originally posted by rigdvr
now there's nothing worth living for...goodbye cruel world;)

Coño, now we know what really went on in KK last year


I emailed Perry Mason (Montero) earlier today, we're supposed to go out soon, either in my boat or his. You are more than welcomed to come with me. I know you guys have gone out before. Anyhow, check your PM for contact info.
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