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Perch at the Appomatox

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New Member
Feb 8, 2010
went spearing on the appomatox today off of atwater beach. the lake was so flat in sections it was standing still with literally no ripples. you could not only see the boat from the surface, but large schools of large perch swimming along. I'm talking about schools of 20+ perch with many adults. i could prep on the surface and attack from above it was ridiculous. im absolutely going again tomorrow if the weather permits.
sorry, i didn't bring the camera out unfortunately. ill be sure to take some pics next time

went again today and there weren't as many perch as before, but there are still a lot out at the appomatox. shot a decent sized one. going to throw it on the grill later today
Where is the wreck in relationship to the white historical society bouy? Right below it, or is it back west of that bouy? We drove past last weekend but didn't dive the wreck when we saw a frigid 51 degrees on the boats graph.
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Re: Perch at the Appomattox

I've never used the buoy to find it. There are three long, rock, jetties that stick out from Atwater beach. Take the north jetty out at a 60 degree compass heading for about 400 kicks. It lies in 18' to 23' of water.

There is also a small steel pier just to the north of the three stone jetties. It doesn't stick out so far, but has another shipwreck about 50 yds off of it( the Josephine) which lies in about 10' of water.

The Appomattox is over 300' long and easy to see from the surface on most days, but the Josephine is only 99' long with just a keel and ribs that are left of her.

If you're diving that area off of a boat and looking for fish you might want to go a bit further to the south- off of the water treatment plant. There is a huge rock reef that goes out from there and should be hiding plenty of fish. If you hit the beach just to the north of the plant you'll find the only nude beach in Milwaukee. :friday

Just watch your depth and be mindful of your bottom graph as we had a dive boat from Illinois tear off her rudder about 20 years ago as she tried to go in for a 'look'. rofl

there's two buoys off of atwater beach. the one that is further away is a navigational buoy. the other is at one end of the appomatox. if looking at it from the beach, the buoy marks the right tip of the wreck.
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