Welcome Everybody!
I just got back from Miami where for the last four days I had awesome time diving and learning from Mandy, Kirk and Rob King (very nice guy too)
This experience is beyond my words, especially in English so I will express myself by sharing those moments in short video I am editing right now. Unfortunatelly the amount of knowledge to learn and intensity of this course won't allow to focus on filming too much but I did my best.
Also, there is not much underwater footage from pool/open water sessions. Kirk was filming underwater and will send DVD to all attendants in couple weeks so I will do what I got for now and then I'll modify the video using his footage. There was 12 people in my class, nine of us had completed. Ages 18 to 64. Majority? Cuban spearos. I had some knowledge about Cuba but my knowledge about Cubanos was based on one of my favorite movies, "The Scarface" What a great people! After four days of training with Performance all of them gained their depths signifficant. We were all very satisfied with our achievements. Five of us got little over 100ft (with one BO near surface by young boy) We were just about to drop the plate to 132ft when weather (waves) said "enough". We had to go back to the marina but it was good anyway because we were not supposed to leave in the first place.
I did my Static PB with big jump from 5 to 5'30" with little issue and 5"40" clean right after. Dynamic 100m which I did before but never with bi-fins. Everyday after training we ended up in a local bar having chance to get to know Mandy and Kirk closer.
I recommend this adventure to every freediver, it was the best $600 I've ever spent, worth every penny. This course is very professional and very well put together, Kirk is the best teacher ever, rare gift.
For those interrested in Freedive-a-palooza, July. There is a little hope they may come to us for one day, although looking at their schedule I wouldn't get too excited yet. They are shooting the feature right know for example (besides regular around the world travelling) Mandy said (with the sparkle in the eyes) she would come if she gets to be the judge at the competition Jon is working on. I said "hell yeah! You get to choose to be whoever You want!"
Here's couple shots from the last couple days, video comming soon
I just got back from Miami where for the last four days I had awesome time diving and learning from Mandy, Kirk and Rob King (very nice guy too)
This experience is beyond my words, especially in English so I will express myself by sharing those moments in short video I am editing right now. Unfortunatelly the amount of knowledge to learn and intensity of this course won't allow to focus on filming too much but I did my best.
Also, there is not much underwater footage from pool/open water sessions. Kirk was filming underwater and will send DVD to all attendants in couple weeks so I will do what I got for now and then I'll modify the video using his footage. There was 12 people in my class, nine of us had completed. Ages 18 to 64. Majority? Cuban spearos. I had some knowledge about Cuba but my knowledge about Cubanos was based on one of my favorite movies, "The Scarface"
I did my Static PB with big jump from 5 to 5'30" with little issue and 5"40" clean right after. Dynamic 100m which I did before but never with bi-fins. Everyday after training we ended up in a local bar having chance to get to know Mandy and Kirk closer.
I recommend this adventure to every freediver, it was the best $600 I've ever spent, worth every penny. This course is very professional and very well put together, Kirk is the best teacher ever, rare gift.
For those interrested in Freedive-a-palooza, July. There is a little hope they may come to us for one day, although looking at their schedule I wouldn't get too excited yet. They are shooting the feature right know for example (besides regular around the world travelling) Mandy said (with the sparkle in the eyes) she would come if she gets to be the judge at the competition Jon is working on. I said "hell yeah! You get to choose to be whoever You want!"
Here's couple shots from the last couple days, video comming soon
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