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perscription lenses for mask?

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New Member
Apr 27, 2005
I am looking for a freediving mask that takes perscription lenses...I know there are certain scuba mask take them,

I guess the simple answer would be get contacts :duh , but i can't get used to all these new fangled modern inventions... contacts!!! Bah!!!

seriously though...anyone know if there are low volume masks out there whose the lenses can be exchanged for perscription lenses???

thanks for the info!
LOL - 'his' - my name is Christopher - I'll get it in my profile. I think the long blond hair throws em.

I did get lenses from them and they are great to do business with. Got them for an Alien and Cressi Matrix. They actually reduce the volume of the mask with no loss in visual field.
recently my wife considered similar choices (contacts or lenses).
Instead we ended up doing "lasic" procedure. She went from -5 & -6 and astigmatism, to 20/20 vision.

worth every penny.
Sorry about that, I guess I just figured from the name. :head My name is also Christopher, but I go by Chris.
I got custom lenses put into a cressi minima by a guy in Queens NY. http://www.rxdivemask.com/ He ships all over the world and has pretty good turn around. I love it and use it for swimming too.

good luck!
Thanks for the advice, i looked into to lasix, but my perscriptioon doesn't qualify me for the surgery. I guess my vision is just bad enough to be really inconvenient.

Thanks again for all the help