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Photos Finally

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New Member
Jun 11, 2002
This is a photo of my WSB from June 26th....seems so long ago. the water has been so murky i haven't seen/shot any fish. i was lucky enough to have this photo put in the "New Riffe Products" mailer that is being sent out to all you Riffe owners. so now i guess i'm famous (it helps to be Julie's boyfriend..hehe)

i hope to have some more stories and photos soon!!



  • wsb.jpg
    134.7 KB · Views: 575
Thanks, Sask...we need the reminder that the WSB exist here in the murk! Great pic!
Aww yeah!

Julie's boyfriend... yeah whatever. :hmm

Seriously nice fish though. Holding a pair in your hands is always the definition of smooth. :king Fish as well.

Do what you can about the fishcount and viz for September when the Styron and I make our way South on the Smooth and Stylin' Tour, eh?
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